Monster Hunter Wilds

Guardian Blood+ Location: How to Get and Uses

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Guardian Blood+ is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Guardian Blood+, how to use it, and its effects.

Low Rank High Rank
Guardian BloodGuardian Blood Guardian Blood+Guardian Blood+

How to Get Guardian Blood+

Destroy High Rank Monster Wounds

Target Monsters
Guardian DoshagumaGuardian Doshaguma Guardian Ebony OdogaronGuardian Ebony Odogaron Guardian Fulgur AnjanathGuardian Fulgur Anjanath Guardian RathalosGuardian Rathalos

Guardian Blood+ has an 8% chance to drop when destroying the wounds of a High Rank Guardian Doshaguma, Guardian Ebony Odogaron, Guardian Fulgur Anjanath, and Guardian Rathalos. It is recommended to inflict and destroy as many wounds as much as possible to maximize the player's chances of getting a Guardian Blood+ drop when hunting these monsters. Low Rank versions of the mentioned monsters will not drop Guardian Blood+.

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Unobtainable as a Target Reward.
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Unobtainable as a Carve Reward.

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Optional 5 Werner's Test Run
Optional 5 White Wails
Optional 5 The King's Triumphant Return
Assignments 5 Thundering Flowers
Optional 5 Guardian Fulgur Anjanath Hunt
Optional 5 Purrfect Plundering
Optional 5 Battle with the White Doshaguma!

How to Use Guardian Blood+

Used to Forge Weapons

Dosha Griefbringer IIDosha Griefbringer II (x2) Chthonian Flame IIChthonian Flame II (x2)
Dosha Guardflayers IIDosha Guardflayers II (x2) Dosha Grimslayer IIDosha Grimslayer II (x2)
Dosha Grudgesounder IIDosha Grudgesounder II (x2) Chthonian Vajra IIChthonian Vajra II (x2)
Dosha Gloomborer IIDosha Gloomborer II (x2) Dosha Gigasbreaker IIDosha Gigasbreaker II (x2)
Dosha Gravecleaver IIDosha Gravecleaver II (x2) Dosha Gorehacker IIDosha Gorehacker II (x2)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Albirath Bow IIAlbirath Bow II (×1) G. Veldian Arcum IIG. Veldian Arcum II (×3)
Dosha Griefbringer IIDosha Griefbringer II (×1) Chthonian Flame IIChthonian Flame II (×1)
Albirath Blade IIAlbirath Blade II (×1) G. Veldian Labrys IIG. Veldian Labrys II (×3)
Guild Knight Sabers IIGuild Knight Sabers II (×1) Chthonian Kusarigamas IIChthonian Kusarigamas II (×1)
Twin Albiraths IITwin Albiraths II (×1) G. Veldian Harpes IIG. Veldian Harpes II (×3)
Dosha Guardflayers IIDosha Guardflayers II (×1) Albirath Wing IIAlbirath Wing II (×1)
G. Veldian Gladius IIG. Veldian Gladius II (×3) Dosha Grimslayer IIDosha Grimslayer II (×1)
Albirath Rook IIAlbirath Rook II (×1) G. Veldian Hasta IIG. Veldian Hasta II (×3)
Albirath Bludgeon IIAlbirath Bludgeon II (×1) G. Veldian Malleus IIG. Veldian Malleus II (×3)
G. Veldian Tormentum IIG. Veldian Tormentum II (×3) Albirath Feroce IIAlbirath Feroce II (×1)
G. Veldian Sibilus IIG. Veldian Sibilus II (×3) Dosha Grudgesounder IIDosha Grudgesounder II (×1)
Chthonian Vajra IIChthonian Vajra II (×1) Guardian Rathmaul IIGuardian Rathmaul II (×1)
G. Veldian Trudis IIG. Veldian Trudis II (×3) Chthonian Firewheel IIChthonian Firewheel II (×1)
Albirath Tail IIAlbirath Tail II (×1) G. Veldian Lancea IIG. Veldian Lancea II (×3)
Dosha Gloomborer IIDosha Gloomborer II (×1) Chthonian Gunfire IIChthonian Gunfire II (×1)
G. Rathling Gun IIG. Rathling Gun II (×1) G. Veldian Impetum IIG. Veldian Impetum II (×3)
Dosha Gigasbreaker IIDosha Gigasbreaker II (×1) Wyvern Blade "Ash" IIWyvern Blade "Ash" II (×1)
G. Veldian Ensis IIG. Veldian Ensis II (×3) Dosha Gravecleaver IIDosha Gravecleaver II (×1)
Albirath Flamesplitter IIAlbirath Flamesplitter II (×1) G. Veldian Securis IIG. Veldian Securis II (×3)
Dosha Gorehacker IIDosha Gorehacker II (×1) Albirath Edge IIAlbirath Edge II (×1)
G. Veldian Mucro IIG. Veldian Mucro II (×3)

Used to Forge Armor

Damascus Mail αDamascus Mail α
Damascus Mail α (×2)
G. Arkveld Mail αG. Arkveld Mail α
G. Arkveld Mail α (×3)
G. Arkveld Mail βG. Arkveld Mail β
G. Arkveld Mail β (×3)
G. Doshaguma Helm αG. Doshaguma Helm α
G. Doshaguma Helm α (×2)
G. Doshaguma Helm βG. Doshaguma Helm β
G. Doshaguma Helm β (×2)
Dragonking Eyepatch αDragonking Eyepatch α
Dragonking Eyepatch α (×3)
G. Fulgur Greaves αG. Fulgur Greaves α
G. Fulgur Greaves α (×2)
G. Fulgur Greaves βG. Fulgur Greaves β
G. Fulgur Greaves β (×2)
Artian Greaves αArtian Greaves α
Artian Greaves α (×3)
Guild Ace Boots α Guild Ace Boots α (×3)

Used to Forge Palico Equipment

F Guardian Ark Sword αF Guardian Ark Sword α (×1)

Guardian Blood+ Overview

Guardian Blood+Guardian Blood+
Description Guardian blood with rather peculiar properties. Requires further research.
Rarity 6 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 3300z
Pouch Limit -

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