Monster Hunter Wilds

Albirath Flamesplitter Skills, Stats, and Materials

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The Albirath Flamesplitter is a Switch Axe from the G. Rathalos Tree in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats and skills of the Albirath Flamesplitter, the materials needed to forge and upgrade it, and its weapon tree here.

Albirath Flamesplitter Stats and Skills

Albirath Flamesplitter I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Albirath Flamesplitter IAlbirath Flamesplitter I
Monster Hunter Wilds - Albirath Flamesplitter I Sharpness
4 560
Slots Element Affinity
Fire 140
Phial Element Phial

Albirath Flamesplitter II

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Albirath Flamesplitter IIAlbirath Flamesplitter II
Monster Hunter Wilds - Albirath Flamesplitter II Sharpness
6 630
Slots Element Affinity
Fire 170
Phial Element Phial

Albirath Blaze Splitter

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Albirath Blaze SplitterAlbirath Blaze Splitter
Monster Hunter Wilds - Albirath Blaze Splitter Sharpness
8 735
Slots Element Affinity
Fire 200
Phial Element Phial

Albirath Flamesplitter Forging Materials and Upgrades

Albirath Flamesplitter Upgrade List

Weapon Name Materials
Albirath Flamesplitter IAlbirath Flamesplitter I Forging Materials:
Flame Sac ImageFlame Sac ×1
Cost: Zenny 2600z

This weapon can only be forged.
Albirath Flamesplitter IIAlbirath Flamesplitter II This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Cost: Zenny 10000z
Albirath Blaze SplitterAlbirath Blaze Splitter This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Cost: Zenny 20000z

Albirath Flamesplitter Weapon Tree

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List of Switch Axes

Hope Axe IHope Axe Albirath Flamesplitter IAlbirath Flamesplitter Iron Accelerator IIron Accelerator
Windsunder Axe IWindsunder Axe Nihil Switch Axe INihil Switch Axe Bone Axe IBone Axe
Nu Zhangyu INu Zhangyu Golba Vandal IGolba Vandal Uth Olacha IUth Olacha
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Morphing Fulgur IMorphing Fulgur Dragonmaiden Axe IDragonmaiden Axe Rath Flamesplitter IRath Flamesplitter
Eisenleib IEisenleib Artian Saw IArtian Saw


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