Monster Hunter Wilds

Artian Sheller Stats and Ammo

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The Artian Sheller is the Artian Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats of the Artian Sheller and Greifen, Artian Heavy Bowgun Ammo, and the materials needed to forge it here.

Artian Sheller Stats

Artian Sheller I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Artian Sheller IArtian Sheller I 6 255
Slots Element Affinity
Special Ammo Wyvernpiercer Ignition
Wyvernblast Ignition

Artian Sheller II

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Artian Sheller IIArtian Sheller II 7 270
Slots Element Affinity
Special Ammo Wyvernpiercer Ignition
Wyvernblast Ignition


Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - GreifenGreifen 8 285
Slots Element Affinity
Special Ammo Wyvernpiercer Ignition
Wyvernblast Ignition

Artian Weapons Have Variable Stats

Artian Material Element Type and Artian Bonus

The values listed above are the base stats of the Artian Heavy Bowguns. It is possible to get better stats with Artian Bonuses and additional ammo by using parts of the same Element Type. Artian Weapons can be further reinforced to provide additional stats. Artian weapons also have no innate skills, but can fit more weapon decorations.

Artian Weapons Explained and How to Craft

Artian Heavy Bowgun Ammo

Element Determines Ammo

Combination Additional Ammo Level Capacity
Fire (x2) 2 5
Fire (x3) 2 6
Water (x2) 2 5
Water (x3) 2 6
Thunder (x2) 2 5
Thunder (x3) 2 6
Ice (x2) 2 5
Ice (x3) 2 6
Dragon (x2) 2 3
1 1
Dragon (x3) 2 4
1 2
Poison (x2) 1 3
2 4
Poison (x3) 2 4
2 5
Sleep (x2) 1 3
2 4
Sleep (x3) 2 4
2 5
Paralysis (x2) 1 3
2 4
Paralysis (x3) 2 4
2 5
Blast (x2) 1 2
2 4
Blast (x3) 2 3
2 5
Normal Ammo Normal Ammo
2 2
Pierce Ammo Pierce Ammo
2 2
Spread AmmoSpread Ammo
2 3
1 4

By default, all Artian Heavy Bowguns have the standard Normal, Pierce, and Spread Ammo. Forging the weapons with at least two of the same element will allow you to shoot ammo of that element. For some elements, having all three parts be the same element gives additional capacity and higher level.

How to Forge Artian Sheller

Combine Disc, Tube, and Device

Rarity Weapon
6 Artian Sheller I
7 Artian Sheller II
8 Greifen

To forge an Artian Heavy Bowgun, players must use 1 Disc, 1 Tube, and 1 Device of the same rarity. The weapon's final stats and element ultimately depend on the selected parts. Note that players cannot upgrade a forged Artian Heavy Bowgun to a higher-rarity weapon.

Obtain Artian Parts From Tempered Monsters

Tempered Monster Artian Materials

Defeating tempered monsters rewards players with Damaged Weapon Shards, Rusted Weapon Shards, and Ancient Weapon Fragments, depending on the monster's difficulty. When appraised after a quest, they will give Artian parts, and the rarity of these parts will depend on the type of item received. You can also use melding to get more desirable parts.

Tempered Monsters Guide

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List of Heavy Bowguns

Hope Cannon IHope Cannon Iron Assault IIron Assault Rompo Sniper IRompo Sniper
Chata Sheller IChata Sheller G. Veldian Tormentum IG. Veldian Tormentum Bone Shooter IBone Shooter
Ner Bustergun INer Bustergun Uth Dalgap IUth Dalgap Power StingerPower Stinger
Nu Muneo INu Muneo Jin Dhaphal IJin Dhaphal Veldian Tormentum IVeldian Tormentum
Yian Kut-Ku Cannon IYian Kut-Ku Cannon Grounding Fulgur IGrounding Fulgur Tankmage ITankmage
QueenQueen's Longfire Gravios Howl IGravios Howl Tödlicher Abzug ITödlicher Abzug
Artian Sheller IArtian Sheller


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