Monster Hunter Wilds

Paralysis Ammo Location: How to Get and Uses

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Paralysis Ammo is a Bowgun Ammo in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Paralysis Ammo, which Bowguns can use it, and its effects.

How to Get Paralysis Ammo

Can be Purchased From the Provisions Stockpile

Item Price
Paralysis AmmoParalysis Ammo 15z

Paralysis Ammo can be purchased with Zenny from Santiago.

Obtainable by Crafting

060 Normal AmmoNormal Ammo ParashroomParashroom Paralysis AmmoParalysis Ammo (x2)

This item can be crafted as long as you have the needed materials.

Paralysis Ammo Compatible Bowguns

Light Bowguns

List of Weapons
Chain Blitz IChain Blitz I Chain Blitz IIChain Blitz II Rey Szelatya IRey Szelatya I
Assault Conga IAssault Conga I Chain Blitz IIIChain Blitz III High Chain BlitzHigh Chain Blitz
Rey Szelatya IIRey Szelatya II Rey Szelatya IIIRey Szelatya III Szelatya ClairgunSzelatya Clairgun
Assault Conga IIAssault Conga II Combat CongaCombat Conga Kut-Ku Anger IKut-Ku Anger I
Kut-Ku Anger IIKut-Ku Anger II Kut-Ku CounterattackKut-Ku Counterattack Felling Fulgur IFelling Fulgur I
Fulgursnipe GuardianaFulgursnipe Guardiana

Light Bowgun Tree and List

Heavy Bowguns

List of Weapons
Power StingerPower Stinger Power Stinger IIPower Stinger II Wild StingerWild Stinger
Yian Kut-Ku Cannon IYian Kut-Ku Cannon I Yian Kut-Ku Cannon IIYian Kut-Ku Cannon II Super Kut-Ku CannonSuper Kut-Ku Cannon
Grounding Fulgur IGrounding Fulgur I Fulgurblast GuardianaFulgurblast Guardiana

Heavy Bowgun Tree and List

Paralysis Ammo Overview

Paralysis AmmoParalysis Ammo
Description Ammo that causes paralysis. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
Rarity 2 Type Bowgun Ammo
Sell Price
Zenny 3z
Pouch Limit 12
Buy Price
Zenny 15z

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List of Items by Type

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All Bowgun Ammo

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Water AmmoWater Ammo Wyvern AmmoWyvern Ammo


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