Monster Hunter Wilds

Paladin Lance Skills, Stats, and Materials

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The Paladin Lance is a Lance from the Workshop Tree in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats and skills of the Paladin Lance, the materials needed to forge and upgrade it, and its weapon tree here.

Paladin Lance Stats and Skills

Paladin Lance I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Paladin Lance IPaladin Lance I
Monster Hunter Wilds - Paladin Lance I Sharpness
6 437
Slots Element Affinity
Guard Lv. 1

Babel Spear

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Babel SpearBabel Spear
Monster Hunter Wilds - Babel Spear Sharpness
8 506
Slots Element Affinity
Guard Lv. 1

Paladin Lance Forging Materials and Upgrades

Paladin Lance Upgrade List

Weapon Name Materials
Paladin Lance IPaladin Lance I Forging Materials:
Gracium ImageGracium ×3
Cost: Zenny 10000z

This weapon can only be forged.
Babel SpearBabel Spear This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Cost: Zenny 20000z

Paladin Lance Weapon Tree

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List of Lances

Hope Lance IHope Lance Albirath Tail IAlbirath Tail Balahara Lance IBalahara Lance
Rey Indra IRey Indra Chrome Drill IChrome Drill Rompo Piercer IRompo Piercer
Nu Osminog INu Osminog Bone Lance IBone Lance Windpierce Lance IWindpierce Lance
Chthonian Firewheel IChthonian Firewheel Quematrice Lanza IQuematrice Lanza Dosha Fierceborer IDosha Fierceborer
G. Veldian Lancea IG Veldian Lancea Dosha Gloomborer IDosha Gloomborer Barina Sarissa IBarina Sarissa
Veldian Lancea IVeldian Lancea Red Tail IRed Tail Eiferschild IEiferschild
Gravios Spear IGravios Spear Paladin Lance IPaladin Lance Artian Lance IArtian Lance


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