Monster Hunter Wilds

Slaughter Skills, Stats, and Materials

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The Slaughter is a Great Sword from the Gypceros Tree in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats and skills of the Slaughter, the materials needed to forge and upgrade it, and its weapon tree here.

Slaughter Stats and Skills

Slaughter I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Slaughter ISlaughter I
Monster Hunter Wilds - Slaughter I Sharpness
5 864
Slots Element Affinity
Poison 410

Slaughter II

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Slaughter IISlaughter II
Monster Hunter Wilds - Slaughter II Sharpness
6 960
Slots Element Affinity
Poison 440

Poison King

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Poison KingPoison King
Monster Hunter Wilds - Poison King Sharpness
8 1104
Slots Element Affinity
Poison 500

Slaughter Forging Materials and Upgrades

Slaughter Upgrade List

Weapon Name Materials
Slaughter ISlaughter I Forging Materials:
Cost: Zenny 4000z

This weapon can only be forged.
Slaughter IISlaughter II This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Toxin Sac ImageToxin Sac ×4
Cost: Zenny 10000z
Poison KingPoison King This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Cost: Zenny 20000z

Purchasable from the Support Ship

Slaughter I can be purchased directly from the Support Ship for 400 Guild Points. Request "Misc. Items" from the Support Ship to increase the chances of the weapon to be in stock.

The Support Ship will be available at the base camp for three in-game days, and then disappear for another three days to collect items to sell. You will get a prompt of the Support Ship's status when you are not in a hunt.

Support Ship Guide

Slaughter Weapon Tree

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List of Great Swords

Hope Blade IHope Blade Albirath Wing IAlbirath Wing Buster Sword IBuster Sword
Quematrice Espada IQuematrice Espada Paretic Blade IParetic Blade Bone Blade IBone Blade
Nu Krake INu Krake Immane Blade IImane Blade Nihil Great Sword INihil Great Sword
Dosha Fellslayer IDosha Fellslayer G. Veldian Gladius IG. Veldian Gladius Dosha Grimslayer IDosha Grimslayer
Frozen Speartuna IFrozen Speartuna Jin Dhavaar IJin Dhavaar Veldian Gladius IVeldian Gladius
Chicken Decapitator IChicken Decapitator Smiting Fulgur ISmiting Fulgur Slaughter ISlaughter
Valkyrie Blade IValkyrie Blade Red Wing IRed Wing Schattenstolz ISchattenstolz
Jawblade IJawblade Artian Blade IArtian Blade


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