Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Keenbone Location: How to Get and Uses

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Monster Keenbone is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Monster Keenbone, how to use it, and its effects.

How to Get Monster Keenbone

Target Quest Name Type
GraviosGravios Succulent Scraps Optional
RathalosRathalos King of the Skies Optional
GraviosGravios Armor Like a Mountain Optional
BalaharaBalahara A Leviathan's Temper Optional
Yian Kut-KuYian Kut-Ku Lured by Abundance Assignments
QuematriceQuematrice The Pursued and the Pursuer Optional
RompopoloRompopolo Profusion of Poison Optional
QuematriceQuematrice Rath-from-Above,Go! Optional
RathianRathian All Hail the Queen Optional
Yian Kut-KuYian Kut-Ku Kut-Ku Gone Cuckoo Event
BalaharaBalahara The Desert Knows Not the Sea Optional

Monster Keenbone can be obtained by completing the different quests listed above.

Completing these quests award players with a Monster Keenbone, but Monster Keenbones cannot be carved from their carcasses.

How to Use Monster Keenbone

Used to Forge Weapons

Jawblade IJawblade I (x5)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Dragon Perforator IIIDragon Perforator III (×3) Hyperguard IIIHyperguard III (×3)
Dual Hatchets IIIDual Hatchets III (×3) Buster Sword IIIBuster Sword III (×3)
Triple Bayonet IIITriple Bayonet III (×3) Iron Hammer IIIIron Hammer III (×3)
Iron Assault IIIIron Assault III (×3) Metal Bagpipe IIIMetal Bagpipe III (×3)
Iron Gale IIIIron Gale III (×3) Chrome Drill IIIChrome Drill III (×3)
Chain Blitz IIIChain Blitz III (×3) HunterHunter's Rifle IV (×4)
Iron Katana IIIIron Katana III (×3) Iron Accelerator IIIIron Accelerator III (×3)
Iron Beater IIIIron Beater III (×3)

Used to Forge Armor

Gypceros Vambraces αGypceros Vambraces α
Gypceros Vambraces α (×1)
Gypceros Vambraces βGypceros Vambraces β
Gypceros Vambraces β (×1)
Commission Vambraces αCommission Vambraces α
Commission Vambraces α (×2)
Rompopolo Mail αRompopolo Mail α
Rompopolo Mail α (×1)
Rompopolo Mail βRompopolo Mail β
Rompopolo Mail β (×1)
Balahara Mail αBalahara Mail α
Balahara Mail α (×1)
Balahara Mail βBalahara Mail β
Balahara Mail β (×1)
Rathian Helm αRathian Helm α
Rathian Helm α (×2)
Expedition Headgear αExpedition Headgear α
Expedition Headgear α (×2)
Rathian Helm βRathian Helm β
Rathian Helm β (×2)
Kut-Ku Helm αKut-Ku Helm α
Kut-Ku Helm α (×1)
Kut-Ku Helm βKut-Ku Helm β
Kut-Ku Helm β (×1)
Gravios Helm αGravios Helm α
Gravios Helm α (×3)
Gravios Helm βGravios Helm β
Gravios Helm β (×3)
Rathalos Helm αRathalos Helm α
Rathalos Helm α (×3)
Rathalos Helm βRathalos Helm β
Rathalos Helm β (×3)
Quematrice Greaves βQuematrice Greaves β
Quematrice Greaves β (×1)
Quematrice Greaves αQuematrice Greaves α
Quematrice Greaves α (×1)
Hirabami Coil αHirabami Coil α
Hirabami Coil α (×1)
Hirabami Coil βHirabami Coil β
Hirabami Coil β (×1)
Dober Coil αDober Coil α
Dober Coil α (×4)

Used to Upgrade Kinsects

BullshroudBullshroud (×2) GrancatharGrancathar (×2)

Monster Keenbone Overview

Monster KeenboneMonster Keenbone
Description Bone obtained from high-rank large monsters. It has a razor sharp tip that retains its strength after forging.
Rarity 6 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 800z
Pouch Limit -

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