Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Chronicled Wish Banner GuideComment

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    8 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    Yeah that's, fair but they aren't standered. They've had at least 3 banners, so to make it easier than having 3 phases to each version they've grouped limited characters together in the chronicled wish.

    7 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    They simply can't, it's agaisn't the laws, Eula and Albedo were announced as Limited characters so they can't be standard

    6 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Because standard wishes are harder to come by unless you want to buy them with your primos. Also because this banner does not only consist of standard 5*s but also limited ones such as Albedo, Klee, & Eula.

    5 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    I'm going to end up spending all my primos in an attempt to get Jean. She WILL come no matter what! After that I'll probably focus on getting weapons. One of the only reasons I'm doing this is because there aren't many limited 5* characters I'm interested in at the moment and I've been praying to get Jean for 2 years now without any luck.

    4 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    They should simpy apply that system to the standard banner but without that fate point crap. I'm sick of always getting that useless Diluc.

    3 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Indeed! I will never waster my hardly earned Primos on a banner to pull for standard characters and -weapons!

    2 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    THIS is how it should have been right away. No Double Character Banners, no Weapon Banner with a shitty 2/2 fate points path System. Just pick what you want and GET the desired item when winning 50/50 or have Garantee

    1 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    Why event banner wish they could have used the wishes from the standard banner instead

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