Genshin Impact

Armored Crab Enemy Guide

Genshin Impact Armored Crab Enemy Guide Top Banner

Armored Crab is one of the easy enemies in Fontaine. Check out their location and their item drops in this guide!

Armored Crab Locations in Sumeru

Fontemer Aberrant Location Map

The numbers above indicate the amount of enemies present in an area. The map also has the rest of the Fontemer Aberrant enemies for they all have the same item drops.

Armored Crab Item Drops and Usage

Armored Crab Item Drops

Drop Level
Any Lv.
Lv. 40+
Lv. 60+

Characters that Use Armored Crab Drops

All Characters
Navia ImageNavia Freminet ImageFreminet Sigewinne ImageSigewinne
Clorinde ImageClorinde Neuvillette ImageNeuvillette

List of All Characters

Weapons that Use Armored Crab Drops

Weapons that use Transoceanic Pearl
Cashflow Supervision ImageCashflow Supervision Silvershower Heartstrings ImageSilvershower Heartstrings Splendor of Tranquil Waters ImageSplendor of Tranquil Waters
The First Great Magic ImageThe First Great Magic Fleuve Cendre Ferryman ImageFleuve Cendre Ferryman Flowing Purity ImageFlowing Purity
Range Gauge ImageRange Gauge Sword of Narzissenkreuz ImageSword of Narzissenkreuz The DockhandThe Dockhand's Assistant

List of Weapons

Armored Crab Enemy Information

Armored Crab Information

Armored Crab Image
Armored Crab
Adventurer Handbook Description
An aquatic creature found throughout Fontaine. Perhaps due to environmental requirements, it can seemingly only be found in Fontaine.
Thalatta Submarine Canyon, Fontaine

A Fontemer Aberrant Enemy

Genshin Impact - Fontemer Aberrants Enemy Guide

The Armored Crab is part of a group of enemies called, Fontemer Aberrants. These enemies mostly reside within the waters of Fontaine or on the shores!

Fontemer Aberrants Enemy Guide

Armored Crab Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 4.0
Genshin - Version 4.0
Release Date August 16, 2023

Armored Crabs became available in Version 4.0 after the release of Fontaine.

Version 4.0 Release Date and Banners

Genshin Impact Related Guides

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Other Fontemer Aberrant Enemies

All Fontemer Aberrant Type Enemies
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