Pokemon Sword and Shield

Sweet Apple Effect and How to Get It

Sweet Apple Effect and How to Get It

This is a page on the Sweet Apple, one of the evolutionary held items in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see this item's effect and the Pokemon that evolve using it, and how to find it.

Sweet Apple Effect

Sweet Apple ImageSweet Apple
Effect A peculiar apple that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. It's exceptionally sweet.

Pokemon that Evolve Using Sweet Apple

Applin ImageApplin Appletun ImageAppletun

How to Get Sweet Apple

Sweet Apple is Exclusive to Pokemon Shield!

This special evolution item is only available in Shield. If you have Pokemon Sword, see the link below on Tart Apple instead.
Tart Apple and How to Get It


Places This Item Can Be Found

Talk to the Man in Hammerlocke

Applin Quest.jpg

While catching Applin, you can talk to the man found in the west side of Hammerlocke. You will need to give an Applin in the meantime, but it will be returned after. You will then obtain a Sweet Apple.

If you have Pokemon Sword, you will receive a Tart Apple instead.

Obtain in the Wild Area

Sweet Apple in Wild Area
In Axew's Eye and Dappled Grove you can pick up Sweet Apple from the base of trees. The number of items you can get from these trees resets each day, so it is good to check daily.

Take note that you can also pick up Fancy Apple in these areas that can be used for cooking.

You also need to have the second Rotom Bike and the sixth badge before you can access Axew's Eye.

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