Monster Hunter Wilds

Artian Sounder Stats and Hunting Horn Songs

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The Artian Sounder is the Artian Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats of the Artian Sounder and Omiltika, Artian Hunting Horn songs, and the materials needed to forge it.

Artian Sounder Stats

The melodies shown in this section apply to Artian Hunting Horns with no element. For a list of other songs, check the next section.

▼ Artian Hunting Horn Songs ▼

Artian Sounder I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Artian Sounder IArtian Sounder I
Monster Hunter Wilds - Artian Sounder I Sharpness
6 714
Slots Element Affinity
Any Element 270
Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Stamina Use Reduced (L) PurpleOrangePurpleBlue1
Defense Up (L) PurpleBlue1Blue1Purple
All Wind Pressure Negated Blue1Blue1Orange
Attack and Defense Up PurpleBlue1OrangeOrange
Echo Wave OrangeBlue1Orange
Offset Melody OrangeBlue1PurpleOrange
Echo Wave Type Slash
Echo Bubble Ailments/Blights Negated

Artian Sounder II

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Artian Sounder IIArtian Sounder II
Monster Hunter Wilds - Artian Sounder II Sharpness
7 756
Slots Element Affinity
Any Element 270
Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Stamina Use Reduced (L) PurpleOrangePurpleBlue1
Defense Up (L) PurpleBlue1Blue1Purple
All Wind Pressure Negated Blue1Blue1Orange
Attack and Defense Up PurpleBlue1OrangeOrange
Echo Wave OrangeBlue1Orange
Offset Melody OrangeBlue1PurpleOrange
Echo Wave Type Slash
Echo Bubble Ailments/Blights Negated


Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - OmiltikaOmiltika
Monster Hunter Wilds - Omiltika Sharpness
8 798
Slots Element Affinity
Any Element 320
Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Stamina Use Reduced (L) PurpleOrangePurpleBlue1
Defense Up (L) PurpleBlue1Blue1Purple
All Wind Pressure Negated Blue1Blue1Orange
Attack and Defense Up PurpleBlue1OrangeOrange
Echo Wave OrangeBlue1Orange
Offset Melody OrangeBlue1PurpleOrange
Echo Wave Type Slash
Echo Bubble Ailments/Blights Negated

At Rarity 8, Sleep and Paralysis Hunting Horns have a base of 120 Element. Blast and Poison have a base of 170 Element.

Artian Weapons Have Variable Stats

Artian Material Element Type and Artian Bonus

The values listed above are the base stats and songs of non-elemental Artian Hunting Horns. It is possible to get better stats with Artian Bonuses or different songs by having parts of the same Element Type. Artian Weapons can be further reinforced to provide additional stats. Artian weapons also have no innate skills, but can fit more weapon decorations.

Matching the same three elements for Artian Hunting Horns will give an additional Element +30.

Artian Weapons Explained and How to Craft

Artian Hunting Horn Songs

By default, Artian Hunting Horns come with Purple, Blue, and Orange notes assuming no element. When combining parts with two or more of the same element, the notes and melodies change depending on the element.

Elemental Horn Songs

Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Elem Attack Boost PurpleOrangeYellow1Orange
Blight Negated OrangeYellow1Yellow1Orange
Sonic Waves Yellow1Yellow1Yellow1
Restore Sharpness PurpleYellow1OrangeYellow1
Echo Wave OrangeYellow1Purple
Resounding Melody Yellow1PurpleOrangeOrange

Fire, Thunder, Water, Ice, and Dragon Artian Hunting Horns have Purple, Yellow, and Orange notes. Their Echo Wave corresponds to element of the forged weapon.

Status Horn Songs

Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Status Attack Up Sky1OrangeOrangePurple
Divine Protection PurpleOrangePurpleSky1
All Ailments Negated Sky1PurpleOrangeOrange
Echo Wave OrangeSky1Orange
Offset Melody PurpleSky1Sky1Orange

For Blast, Sleep, Paralysis, and Poison Artian Hunting Horns, their notes become Purple, Cyan, and Orange. The Echo Bubble becomes Defense & Elemental Res Up. Like elemental horns, their Echo Wave also changes to their respective status.

How to Forge Artian Sounder

Combine Disc, Device, and Device

Rarity Weapon
6 Artian Sounder I
7 Artian Sounder II
8 Omiltika

To forge an Artian Hunting Horn, you will need to use 1 Disc and 2 Device parts of the same rarity. The final stats and element of the weapon will depend on the parts selected. Note that you cannot upgrade to a higher rarity weapon.

Obtain Artian Parts From Tempered Monsters

Tempered Monster Artian Materials

Defeating tempered monsters rewards players with Damaged Weapon Shards, Rusted Weapon Shards, and Ancient Weapon Fragments, depending on the monster's difficulty. When appraised after a quest, they will give Artian parts, and the rarity of these parts will depend on the type of item received. You can also use melding to get more desirable parts.

Tempered Monsters Guide

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List of Hunting Horns

Hope Horn IHope Horn Albirath Feroce IAlibrath Feroce Metal Bagpipe IMetal Bagpipe
Ajara Reverberator IAjara Reverberator Nihil Chord INihil Chord Balahara Horn IBalahara Horn
Rey Perun IRey Perun Sonic Horn ISonic Horn Bone Horn IBone Horn
Dosha Farsounder IDosha Farsounder G. Veldian Sibilus IG. Veldian Sibilus Dosha Grudgesounder IDosha Grudgesounder
War Bongo IWar Bongo Jin Dhaang IJin Dhaang Veldian Sibilus IVeldian Sibilus
Kut-KuKut-Ku's Song Deafening Fulgur IDeafening Fulgur Poisoned Capri IPoisoned Capri
Valkyrie Chordmaker IValkyrie Chordmaker Flame Feroce IFlame Feroce Kummerklang IKummerklang
Artian Sounder IArtian Sounder


2 Anonymous1 day

Non elemental have purple, red, blue notes. if you were looking for the attack and def melodies. to get a non elemental/status artian weapon, all 3 parts need to be different (ex: blast, water, sleep). the moment you choose 2 parts with the same 2 elements or status, it become elemental/status. you used 3 blast.

1 Ser D. Ter11 days

So for some reason I don't get the desired melodies on Omiltika. I put in 1 Blast Affinity and 2 Blast Attacks. The moment I add the first Blast Attack, my melodies change to Stat Attack Up, Divine Prot, All Ailments Negated,m Echo Wave (Blast) and Offset Melody. Only when I make a non-elemental one, the melodies I need stay. So I wonder, what am I missing?


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