Monster Hunter Wilds

Deafening Fulgur Skills, Stats, and Materials

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The Deafening Fulgur is a Hunting Horn from the G. Fulgur Tree in Monster Hunter Wilds. See the stats and skills of the Deafening Fulgur, the materials needed to forge and upgrade it, and its weapon tree here.

Deafening Fulgur Stats and Skills

Deafening Fulgur I

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Deafening Fulgur IDeafening Fulgur I
Monster Hunter Wilds - Deafening Fulgur I Sharpness
6 756
Slots Element Affinity
Thunder 340
Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Elem Attack Boost Yellow2Sky1Yellow2Sky1
Water Resistance (L) Yellow2Sky1Purple
Dragon Resistance (L) PurpleYellow2Sky1
Tremors Negated Sky1Sky1Yellow2
Paralysis Negated Sky1Yellow2Purple
Sonic Waves Yellow2Yellow2Yellow2
Melody of Life Yellow2Sky1Sky1Purple
Echo Bubble Evasion & Movement Speed Up

Fulgurhowl Guardiana

Weapon Rarity ATK DEF
Monster Hunter Wilds - Fulgurhowl GuardianaFulgurhowl Guardiana
Monster Hunter Wilds - Fulgurhowl Guardiana Sharpness
8 882
Slots Element Affinity
Thunder 400
Self-Improvement PurplePurple
Elem Attack Boost Yellow2Sky1Yellow2Sky1
Water Resistance (L) Yellow2Sky1Purple
Dragon Resistance (L) PurpleYellow2Sky1
Tremors Negated Sky1Sky1Yellow2
Paralysis Negated Sky1Yellow2Purple
Sonic Waves Yellow2Yellow2Yellow2
Melody of Life Yellow2Sky1Sky1Purple
Echo Bubble Evasion & Movement Speed Up

Deafening Fulgur Forging Materials and Upgrades

Deafening Fulgur Upgrade List

Weapon Name Materials
Deafening Fulgur IDeafening Fulgur I Forging Materials:
Cost: Zenny 10000z

This weapon can only be forged.
Fulgurhowl GuardianaFulgurhowl Guardiana This weapon can only be obtained as an upgrade.
Upgrade Materials:
Cost: Zenny 20000z

Deafening Fulgur Weapon Tree

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List of Hunting Horns

Hope Horn IHope Horn Albirath Feroce IAlibrath Feroce Metal Bagpipe IMetal Bagpipe
Ajara Reverberator IAjara Reverberator Nihil Chord INihil Chord Balahara Horn IBalahara Horn
Rey Perun IRey Perun Sonic Horn ISonic Horn Bone Horn IBone Horn
Dosha Farsounder IDosha Farsounder G. Veldian Sibilus IG. Veldian Sibilus Dosha Grudgesounder IDosha Grudgesounder
War Bongo IWar Bongo Jin Dhaang IJin Dhaang Veldian Sibilus IVeldian Sibilus
Kut-KuKut-Ku's Song Deafening Fulgur IDeafening Fulgur Poisoned Capri IPoisoned Capri
Valkyrie Chordmaker IValkyrie Chordmaker Flame Feroce IFlame Feroce Kummerklang IKummerklang
Artian Sounder IArtian Sounder


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