Genshin Impact

Kaveh Hangout Endings and Achievements Guide

Genshin Impact - Kaveh

Kaveh Hangout Event is the Pendulum of Weal and Woe quest released in Genshin Impact 3.7. Learn how to get Kaveh's five Hangout endings, three achievements and all rewards in this Kaveh Hangout Event guide!

Kaveh Hangout Endings Guide

Kaveh Hangout: All Five Endings

# Hangout Ending Description
1 Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 1 - Blueprint for the FutureBlueprint for the Future Present suffering is nothing compared to granting hope for the future to others.
2 Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 2 - A Done DealA Done Deal Wait a minute... I have to recoup my fees!
3 Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 3 - Leisurely GatheringLeisurely Gathering "The positive feelings you gain will get you through the long and difficult years."
4 Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 4 - Beneath the StarsBeneath the Stars My pain will one day fade into nothing just as I reach the end of my life, but my buildings will endure.
5 Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 5 - First ClassFirst Class Your ideal building is also your safe haven.

Some dialogue choices in this Hangout Event have no effect on the ending at all. Those choices are not listed in our Hangout Guides.

Which ending is your favorite?

1. Blueprint for the Future 87
2. A Done Deal 29
3. Leisurely Gathering 1228
4. Beneath the Stars 72
5. First Class 56

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Ending 1 - Blueprint for the Future

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 1 - Blueprint for the Future

How to Get Kaveh Hangout Ending 1

Tavern Heart-to-Heart
• Something that embodies the creator's efforts and dedication?
• I'll help you convince the client to come to your side.
Concealed Circumstances
• Can we try a slightly different style?
Field Study
• I'll help you when the time comes.

Story Path for Kaveh Hangout Ending 1

Ending 1 Story Path
Commissioner Quarrel
Tavern Heart-to-Heart
Concealed Circumstances
Field Study
Blueprint for the Future

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Ending 2 - A Done Deal

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 2 - A Done Deal

How to Get Kaveh Hangout Ending 2

Tavern Heart-to-Heart
• Something that embodies the creator's efforts and dedication?
• I'll help you convince the client to come to your side.
Concealed Circumstances
• Would any other merchants be willing to sponsor the project?

Story Path for Kaveh Hangout Ending 2

Ending 2 Story Path
Commissioner Quarrel
Tavern Heart-to-Heart
Concealed Circumstances
Attempted Persuasion
A Merchant Most Famous
A Done Deal

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Ending 3 - Leisurely Gathering

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 3 - Leisurely Gathering

How to Get Kaveh Hangout Ending 3

Tavern Heart-to-Heart
• Something that embodies the creator's efforts and dedication?
• Let's do something else and clear your mind.
• Why did you decide to become an architect?
A Dear Memento
• We can try asking some of her old acquaintances...
The Missive Locked Away
• It's normal for friends to take care of each other.

Story Path for Kaveh Hangout Ending 3

Ending 3 Story Path
Commissioner Quarrel
Tavern Heart-to-Heart
A Dear Memento
The Missive Locked Away
Companionship, the Sole Antidote
Leisurely Gathering

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Ending 4 - Beneath the Stars

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 4 - Beneath the Stars

How to Get Kaveh Hangout Ending 4

Tavern Heart-to-Heart
• Something that embodies the creator's efforts and dedication?
• Let's do something else and clear your mind.
• Why did you decide to become an architect?
A Dear Memento
• Then maybe we should put it aside for now.

Story Path for Kaveh Hangout Ending 4

Ending 4 Story Path
Commissioner Quarrel
Tavern Heart-to-Heart
A Dear Memento
The Temple of Wisdom
Successes and Regrets
Desert Sanctum
Beneath the Stars

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Ending 5 - First Class

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout Ending 5 - First Class

How to Get Kaveh Hangout Ending 5

Tavern Heart-to-Heart
• Something that embodies the creator's efforts and dedication?
• Let's do something else and clear your mind.
• How about looking into another career?

Story Path for Kaveh Hangout Ending 5

Ending 5 Story Path
Commissioner Quarrel
Tavern Heart-to-Heart
Educational Organization
Arrested Development
The Best Building
First Class

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How to Get Kaveh Hangout Achievements

All Kaveh Hangout Achievements

Achievement How to Get Reward
Art and Life Unlock all five Hangout endings. x20
School Days Find and read all the annotated books in the House of Daena. x5
An Architect's Romanticism Complete Kaveh's ending #4. x5

"Art and Life" Achievement

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout - Art and Life Achievement
Complete and obtain all Hangout Endings to obtain "Art and Life" achievement.

"School Days" Achievement

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout - School Days Achievement
To obtain the "School Days" achievement, read all three books on the shelf after speaking with Kaveh and Alhaitham during the Temple of Wisdom story path.

"An Architect's Romanticism" Achievement

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout - An Architect
Complete the Ending #4 by chatting with Kaveh in the desert to obtain the "An Architect's Romanticism" achievement.

Kaveh Hangout Event Rewards

Rewards for Getting Kaveh's Hangout Endings

Task Rewards per Character Hangout
Complete 1 Ending
Complete 2 Ending
Complete 3 Ending
Complete 4 Ending
Complete 5 Ending

Kaveh Hangout Event Info

Kaveh's First Hangout Event

Genshin - Kaveh Hangout

The Pendulum of Weal and Woe is Kaveh's first-ever Hangout Event. His Hangout Event is part of the 10th Series of Hangout Events!

List of All Hangout Event Guides

How to Unlock Kaveh's Hangout

Kaveh Hangout

How to Unlock
Complete Chapter 3: Act 5 Archon Quest
Complete Alhaitham's Story Quest
Reach Adventure Rank 40+

To unlock Kaveh's Hangout Event, you must reach Adventure Rank 40 or higher and have completed Chapter 3 Act 5 Archon Quest - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, and Alhaitham's Story Quest.

A Story Key is also required to unlock the quest, which you can obtain by completing 8 Daily Commissions!

How to Get Story Keys

1 Story Key can be claimed for completing 8 Daily Commissions. Since there are only 4 Commissions in a day, you will need a minimum of 2 days to unlock 1 Story Key. That's a total of 4 Days for the 2 Story Keys needed to unlock a Hangout Event.
How to Unlock Daily Commissions

Release Date in Version 3.7

Genshin Impact Version 3.7
Genshin - Version 3.7
Release Date May 24, 2023

Act 1 of Kaveh's Hangout Event went live on May 24, 2023, along with the Version 3.7 update.

Version 3.7 Release Date and Patch Notes

Genshin Impact Related Guides

All Quests

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

Hangout Event Guides

Character Hangout Event
Genshin - BarbaraBarbara Act 1: Wellspring of Healing
Genshin - BeidouBeidou Act 1: When the Crux Shines Bright
Genshin - BennettBennett Act 1: Fantastic Voyage
Genshin - ChongyunChongyun Act 1: Signs of Evil
Genshin - DionaDiona Act 1: The Cat and the Cocktail
Genshin - FaruzanFaruzan Act 1: A Confounding Conundrum
Genshin - GorouGorou Act 1: The Canine General's Special Operations
Genshin - HeizouHeizou Act 1: Trap 'Em by Storm
Genshin - KavehKaveh Act 1: The Pendulum of Weal and Woe
Genshin - LaylaLayla Act 1: Ever Silent Stars
Genshin - NingguangNingguang Act 1: The Jade Chamber's Returning Guest
Genshin - NoelleNoelle Act 1: Chivalric Training
Act 2: Knightly Exam Prep
Genshin - SayuSayu Act 1: Yoohoo Art: Seichou no Jutsu
Genshin - Kuki ShinobuShinobu Act 1: The Gang's Daily Deeds
Genshin - ThomaThoma Act 1: A Housekeeper's Daily Chores
Genshin - Yun JinYun Jin Act 1: A Song That Knows Grace
Genshin - KaeyaKaeya Act 1: Shenanigans and Sweet Wine
Genshin - LynetteLynette Act 1: Lynette Hangout

List of Hangout Events


2 kaveh achievement guideover 1 year

thank you, would have missed out those books without your help

1 Anonymousover 1 year

First Class - is literally reference to IT-studding scam, where they promote "how easy is IT and no actual knowledge needed and you can get in for 1-2 month of their "studding""... and after finish that "scam-studding" you get no job and just waste time+money. And actual IT is "not easy and very complex and require alot of learning" - same as architecture in this quest. Interesting reference.

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