Genshin Impact

Diona's Hangout I: The Cat and the Cocktail Guide | Hangout Event Walkthrough

Genshin Impact - Diona

This is a guide for getting all 5 endings for Diona's Hangout Event, Act I: The Cat and the Cocktail in Genshin Impact. Learn all of Diona's Hangout Memories, which dialogue options to choose, and all other information on Diona's Hangout Event here!

Hangout Event
Diona's Character Guides
Genshin - Diona Builds and RatingBuild Guide Definitely Not Bar Food! ImageSpecial Dish
Diona's Hangout Events
Genshin - Act 1The Cat and the Cocktail Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Get All of Diona's Hangout Endings

All Hangout Ending Guide

They say there's a popular bartender at The Cat's Tail.

Click to jump to an Ending Guide!
Genshin Impact - Cat Party MemoryEnding 1 Genshin Impact - The Unfathomable Felines MemoryEnding 2 Genshin Impact - DionaEnding 3
Genshin Impact - I... Only Had... A Little MemoryEnding 4 Genshin - The Ultimate Special MemoryEnding 5
Note: Choices not listed have no impact on the story or your heart meter, and you will be free to choose whichever option you want.

Which is Diona's Best Hangout Ending?

1. Cat Party 1198
2. The Unfathomable Felines 45
3. Diona Special 48
4. I... Only Had... A Little 28
5. The Ultimate Special 220

Ending 1: Cat Party

Diona's Hangout Memory 1

Looks like a cat party is about to get started in the cat's tail.

Story Route

Cat Party Path

Story Dialogue Walkthrough

The Cat Tail's Bartender

checkpoint "I'm here for the kitties..."

To Catch a Kitten

checkpoint "I'm an experienced climber."
checkpoint "Use the cat toy."
checkpoint "I think customers visit the tavern primarily for your cocktails."
checkpoint "Use the cat food."
checkpoint "Your specialty drinks attract a lot of attention already."
checkpoint "Does he like cat toys?"
checkpoint "Alright, I'll leave him to you."
checkpoint "No-one would know about these cats if it weren't for your drinks."

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Ending 2: The Unfathomable Felines

Diona's Hangout Memory 2

Cats truly are... inscrutable creatures.

Story Route

The Unfathomable Felines Path

Story Dialogue Walkthrough

The Cat Tail's Bartender

checkpoint "I'm here for the kitties..."

To Catch a Kitten

checkpoint "I'm an experienced climber."
checkpoint "Use the cat toy."
checkpoint "Well, he is really cute after all."
checkpoint "Use the cat food."
checkpoint "Maybe you should take a hint from him and do what he does."
checkpoint "Does he like cat toys?"
checkpoint "Meow, meow..."
checkpoint "That actually might make more money."

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Ending 3: Diona's Special

Diona's Hangout Memory 3

If it's mixed by Diona... surely it can't be that bad.

Story Route

Diona's Special Story Path

Story Dialogue Walkthrough

The Cat Tail's Bartender

checkpoint "I'm here to try some specialty drinks..."
checkpoint "A non-alcoholic beverage would be fine as well"
checkpoint "I'd like the base to be more unique."

A Special Base Drink

checkpoint "Do you want to make a drink from that..."
checkpoint "I'll defeat the monsters head-on."

The Shadow Over Dadaupa

checkpoint "Draff said he has found some, let's ask him."
checkpoint "(What's going on?)"
checkpoint "Diona already has it"

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Ending 4: I... Only Had... A Little

Diona's Hangout Memory 4

Wine is fine... in Moderation

Story Route

I... Only Had... A Little Story Path

Story Dialogue Walkthrough

The Cat Tail's Bartender

checkpoint "I'm here to try some specialty drinks..."
checkpoint "A non-alcoholic beverage would be fine as well"
checkpoint "I'd like the base to be more unique."

A Special Base Drink

checkpoint "Do you want to make a drink from that..."
checkpoint "I'll defeat the monsters head-on."

The Shadow Over Dadaupa

checkpoint "I can deal with a few monsters. I'll bring some of that herbal soup back."

Samachurl Herbal Soup

checkpoint "Got it right here."
checkpoint "(Is this really drinkable...?)"

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Ending 5: The Ultimate Special

Diona's Hangout Memory 5

Grr... STOP JOKING AROUND! You two old drunks.

Story Route

The Ultimate Special Story Path

Story Dialogue Walkthrough

The Cat Tail's Bartender

checkpoint "I'm here to try some specialty drinks..."
checkpoint "A non-alcoholic beverage would be fine as well"
checkpoint "I'd like the flavoring to be more unique."

Special Cocktailing Condiments

checkpoint "What are these...?"
checkpoint "I really need to wash my hands."
checkpoint "How about trying a different way of making the drinks?"
checkpoint (Is it me, or was that rehearsed speech?)

Exchanging Pointers

checkpoint (These two have been planning this all along.)
checkpoint (Put the whole Lizard Tail directly into the Dandelion Wine.)
checkpoint (Add all of the Slime Condensate into the drink.)
checkpoint (Add all of the Butterfly Dust and Fish Scales to the drink.)
checkpoint (Put the entire lizard into the drink.)
checkpoint (Add a small amount of Slime Condensate, let settle, then stir...)
checkpoint (Pour a heap of Butterfly Dust.)
checkpoint (Crush the Fish Scales first, and then add it with the mucus into the drink.)
checkpoint (Is it really that bad?)
checkpoint (When did this guy come back?)

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Diona's Hangout Quest Tips & Tricks

Samachurl Herbal Soup Location

You can find Samachurl Herbal Soup in a stove nearest to the giant stove in Dadaupa Gorge.

Diona's Hangout Event Details

Act I: The Cat and the Cocktail
How to Unlock
Reach Adventure Rank 26

Complete Daily Commissions to Unlock Story Keys

To unlock Story Keys, you have to complete a total of 8 Daily Commissions.

How to Unlock Daily Commissions

Diona's Hangout Event Rewards

Obtain 1 Ending

Obtain 2 Endings

Obtain 3 Endings

Obtain 4 Endings

Obtain 5 Endings

Diona's Hangout Achievements

Achievement Rank Primogem Reward
Genshin - Achievement Icon
Diona Special: Stirred, Not Shaken
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image x20
Objective: Complete "The Cat and the Cocktail" and unlock all endings.
Genshin - Achievement Icon
But There's a Catch
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image x5
Objective: Help Diona find a special base drink.
Genshin - Achievement Icon
Kitten Queen
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image x5
Objective: Bring all the cats back to The Cat's Tail.

Genshin Impact Related Links

All Quests

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Quests

All Quests and Quest Types

Hangout Event Guides

Character Hangout Event
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Genshin - NoelleNoelle Act 1: Chivalric Training
Act 2: Knightly Exam Prep
Genshin - SayuSayu Act 1: Yoohoo Art: Seichou no Jutsu
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Genshin - ThomaThoma Act 1: A Housekeeper's Daily Chores
Genshin - Yun JinYun Jin Act 1: A Song That Knows Grace
Genshin - KaeyaKaeya Act 1: Shenanigans and Sweet Wine
Genshin - LynetteLynette Act 1: Lynette Hangout

List of Hangout Events


11 Anonymousover 1 year

Patch 3.8, the hidden achievements show up...

10 Anonymousabout 3 years


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