Genshin Impact

Nicole (Mage N) Story and Profile

Genshin Impact - Who is Nicole Story and Lore
Nicole, also known as “Mage N” or simply “N”, is a mage and member of the Hexenzirkel in Genshin Impact. See all known information on Nicole, and her in-game mentions here!

Who is Nicole?

Nicole Character Profile

Genshin - Nicole Nation: ???
Race: ???
Affiliation: Hexenzirkel
Gender: Female
Status: Alive

Mage N of the Hexenzirkel Secret Society

Genshin - Nicole - Member of Hexenzirkel
Nicole, also known as “Mage N” or simply “N”, is one of the members of a Secret Society of mages known as Hexenzirkel. She studies the world's direction and order, and speaks to guide people toward the truth ''when a change has occured in the world."

Alice said that Nicole had a habit of speaking into someone's mind without warning when she wished to guide someone from a dangerous situation. This has also been implied in Furina's official Twitter announcement!

What is the Hexenzirkel?

Story Teaser: The Mages' Tea Party

One of Alice's Friends

Genshin - Nicole - Alice
Alice described the society as a group of women who got together as friends and held tea parties. Her friends and the society's members were comprised not only of long-lived people like her, but exceptional humans as well.

Alice Story and Details

The Guide Who Will Never Get Lost

Genshin Nicole - Guide Who Will Never Get Lost

Speaks to Guide People Towards the Truth

It was revealed in the Windblume's Breath event quest, Joy Above the Clouds, that Mage N is ''the guide who will never get lost'' described in the story's prophecy.

Being a guide, Nicole appears to have access to knowledge that do not belong in Teyvat, or perhaps it's Nicole who's not from Teyvat, making her a potential Descender.

Joy Above the Clouds Quest Guide

Possibly Previously a Boar

Genshin Impact Nicole - Possibly Previously a Boar

According to Wolfie, one of the friends of Madame Mage was previously a boar who became a mute person. This person, because of their inability to converse thru normal means, can converse telepathically, which possibly suggests that this person is Nicole, a witch of the Hexenzirkel.

Imaginarium Theater Guide and Release Date

Spoke to the Traveler in Inversion of Genesis

Genshin - Nicole - Possibly spoke to Traveler Before
If you have completed the Interlude Chapter Act 3, Inversion of Genesis, prior to this event, the Traveler will have an extra thought as Alice is describing Nicole.

Traveler suspected that Nicole was the mysterious voice who spoke to them at the end of the Inversion of Genesis quest.

Speaker Dialogue
Traveler (That night we stayed here, Paimon bumped into the table after being startled by something to do with The Balladeer and broke the vase.)
(But The Balladeer erased his existence. He changed the world... So why is this vase still broken?)
??? You sound lost and confused.
Traveler ...Who's that?
??? I know why you are troubled. Any who knew of this would find their mind overwhelmed.
Paimon Huh? Is there someone here talking to us?
??? Unfortunately, the fate of Teyvat cannot easily be changed. Perhaps a god may have a slim chance, but for anyone else... who can say.
When a small animal runs into a tree trunk, though the tree may sway, it is not displaced. The same is true of fate.
Like a vase that falls to the ground. Whether it is broken by a cat or by a bird, the result is still a broken vase, is it not?
Paimon Wh—Who are you!? How do you know about all this?
??? History does not change easily, but human hearts can. Believe your own eyes. Only that which you see is true. What is unseen is but an illusion.
Traveler ...
Paimon The voice has disappeared...
And who the heck was that!? And what were they doing, coming out of nowhere and saying all of that scary stuff...
Traveler (Believe my eyes? Does she mean... I should trust my memories?)
Paimon Ugh. Anyway, that vase is still lying there broken on the ground. Should Paimon go get someone to clean it up?
...Feels wrong just leaving it there. Just a moment, Paimon'll be right back!
Traveler (...)
(I wonder what else awaits me in the future?)

Spoke Again in Masquerade of the Guilty

Genshin - Nicole as a cup of tea in Fontaine

Mage N once again has contacted the Traveler again in Masquerade of the Guilty through a cup of tea in Fontaine. Nicole tells the Traveler that even gods have blindspots and they can turn things around to prevent the prophecy of Fontaine from happening.

Speaker Dialogue
Traveler (Friend's disciple... So this is one of the friends of Mona's master? The enigmatic N of the Hexenzirkel?)
Traveler Allow me to ask you...
Will Fontaine's prophecy come true?
Mage "N" The prophecy... Yes, what has been prophesized will be fulfilled. You may view such things as "the history of the future."
Paimon What... Th—Then, is there any way we can stop it?
Mage "N" I believe you have witnessed a failed attempt with your own eyes. Can everything in Teyvat so easily be changed?
Traveler There it is again... "fate."
Can there really be no exceptions?
Mage "N" Ah, so you've caught on.
Just as prophecies are usually the only future as seen from the perspectives of the gods, could things be happening in hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall?
Are the things that you shall see different from the fate that the gods perceive?
Traveler ...
Paimon Wh—What is she talking about? It all sounds really impressive and important and stuff... but it also sounds kinda scary.
Traveler (The tea in the teacup is just about gone as well...)
Mage "N" I believe that you understand, right? Some things are insignificant... but others, you must reach out to change.
Ultimately, fate shall serve as your only guide no matter what will happen in Teyvat's future. All you need to do is play your part.
This was good tea, by the way. Thank you for your hospitality. Well that'll be all for today.

Nicole In-Game Mentions

Windblume's Breath Event

Genshin - Windblume
Almost all current information about Nicole was revealed during Act 3 of the Windblume Encounters quest chain for the Windblume's Breath event.

Windblume's Breath Event Guide

Inversion of Genesis Quest

Genshin - Interlude Act 3 Inversion of Genesis
During the end of the Interlude Chapter Act 3, Inversion of Genesis, the Traveler talked to a disembodied voice. In the Windblume's Breath event, Traveler suspected that this mysterious voice is actually Nicole.

Interlude Chapter Act 3 Quest Guide

Genshin Impact Related Guides

All Factions & Organizations

Genshin Impact - Factions and Organizations

List of Factions & Organizations


Genshin Impact - Hexenzirkel
Hexenzirkel Members
Hexenzirkel Alice Hexenzirkel Rhinedottir Hexenzirkel Nicole
Hexenzirkel Barbeloth Hexenzirkel Andersdotter Hexenzirkel I. Ivanovna. N.


1 LynxALot11about 1 year

Could someone maybe add that the Teacup that Nicole speaks through is part of a set found only in the Dawn Winery, hinting at a connection to the Ragnvindr Clan and Diluc? Cuz it's a pretty big hint for who she really is

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