Genshin Impact

Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 4 Guide for Whirling Wrecker-Wheel

Genshin - Genshin Impact - Almighty Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 4 Guide for Whirling Wrecker-Wheel

Whirling Wrecker-Wheel is the Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 4 opponent in Genshin Impact 3.4. See how to defeat Whirling Wrecker-Wheel in Fanatic Passion, and Honed Will. Including details on Grand Rook Sennichi, and all rewards here!

Arataki Beetle Brawl Event Guides
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How to Defeat Whirling Wrecker-Wheel

How to Clear Fanatic Passion Difficulty

How to Move the Purple Orb

Compared to the lower difficulty, you will need to manage the power of your Piercing Strike based on your distance from Lightning Bullet to move it towards your opponent. Below is an easy reference to determine how much power you need to apply.

An easy way to determine how much power you need to apply is by using the floor tiles. If you are about 1 tile away, you only need to charge your Piercing Strike halfway or up to 2 bars. If you are 2 tiles away, fill it up to the max or up to 4 bars.

The game isn't very strict on how much power you need to apply. So long as you follow our guide, you'll beat this mode quite easily!

Get Closer Once it's Charging up the Lightning AoE

Once the enemy charges up its Lightning AoE attack, close in on them, and then use your Piercing Strike when you're right next to them!

Don't Attack Too Early

Once you are out of the Lightning AoE, it might be tempting to quickly attack while the enemy is still charging. However, attacking causes some knockback which might push you back toward the AoE. Take your time to avoid needless damage!

How to Clear Friendly Spar and Honed Will Difficulties

Attack the Lightning Bullet at Any Range

In Honed Will and Friendly Spar, your Piercing Strike range does not matter. However, take care not to put too much power when hitting the Lightning Bullet, or else it might disappear!

Avoid the Lightning AoE

The lightning AoE mechanics in all 3 modes act the same. Simply close in on the enemy while it's charging, then attack it once the AoE behind you disappears!

Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Stage Information

Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Stage Details

Enemy Whirling Wrecker-Wheel
genshin - Almighty Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 4 Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Owner: Grand Rook Sennichi
◆ Impressive long-distance combat strength.
◆ Attacks with various Electro strikes.
◆ Extremely Agile

The Cage-Maker Day 4 Opponent

The Whirling Wrecker-Wheel is owned by Grand Rook Sennichi. Grand Rook Sennichi is a self-proclaimed giant among giants and is a disciple of Grandmaster Hanakado who's out to hunt down the head of the Arataki Gang's leader.

Little did he know that not only was Itto way bigger than him, but also an Oni! He started shaking in his slippers and questioned Itto why he would even bother with a kid's game.

Itto not taking the offhanded remark calling Beete-fighting a kid's game, he promptly called him out on it which seems to have also steeled Sennichi's resolve to fight.

Small, Agile, and Has Long-Ranged Attacks

  1. An Onikabuto that can create lightning bullets with the power of Electro.
  2. In Friendly Spar and Honed Will modes, you can disperse the bullet using using a rush attack or use a piercing strick to direct the bullet to the opponent.
  3. In the Fanatic Passion difficulty, only a precise piercing strike reflects the bullet. Rush attacks will not disperse the bullet.

Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 4 Rewards

Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Day 4 Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty.
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x40,000
Duel on a Fanatic Passion difficulty once
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Information

Part of the Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl

Genshin - Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Extreme Beetle Brawl

Whirling Wrecker-Wheel is four out of five opponents in the Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Extreme Beetle Brawl! On Day 4, you must observe the enemy attacks, dodge all attacks, and do a piercing strike to defeat them.

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