Genshin Impact

Almighty Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 3 Guide for Super-Heavy Defensive Formation

Genshin Impact - Almighty Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 3 Guide for Super-Heavy Defensive Formation

Super-Heavy Defensive Formation is the Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 3 opponent in Genshin Impact 3.4. See how to defeat Super-Heavy Defensive Formation in Fanatic Passion, and Honed Will. Including details on The Cage-Maker the opponent, and all rewards here!

Arataki Beetle Brawl Event Guides
Genshin - Arataki Beetle Brawl Event Guide Event Guide Genshin - Day 1 Mallet the Smasher Day 1 Genshin - Day 2 Triple-Strike Gunblade Mage Day 2
Genshin - Day 3 Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Day 3 genshin - Day 4 Whirling Wrecker-Wheel Day 4 Genshin - Day 5 Ironclad Beetle King Day 5

Almighty Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 3

How to Clear Fanatic Passion Difficulty

Use Piercing Strike to Break Enhanced Status

In Fanatic Passion against the Super-Heavy Defensive Formation, you can only break its enhanced status once you hit it with a piercing strike! The Piercing Strike needs a long charge up and the enemy will dish out attacks one after the other!

The best timing to do a piercing strike is when the enemy beetle stomps the ground to produce multiple quakes. You must dodge the AoE Attack and charge up as soon as you see it about to stomp a second time!

Fully Charge Up Piercing Strike

Sometimes, even when you have already charged up the entire meter for the Piercing Strike, the hit won't connect at all because the enemy is too close. You must have some distance between you and the opponent.

You must also charge it up a little bit more even if the meter is full until you're almost out of stamina for the hit to register!

Wait for the Enemy to Walk toward You

Genshin - Wait for the Enemy to Walk toward You
After the Super-Heavy Defensive Formation does an attack, it will have a moment where it will walk toward you, use this moment to your advantage after it does multiple quake stomps!

Wait for the Opponent's Attack First

It is very important to thoroughly observe the Super-Heavy Defensive Formation after it enhances itself. This allows you to judge whether it's the best time to charge up a piercing strike or dodge the attack!

Don't Get Hit by AoE Attacks

Genshin - Don
The Super-Heavy Defensive Formation enemy is really strong, and it will drain your HP if keep getting hit so avoid getting hit by any of its attacks, especially the AoE attacks! The quake attacks will reduce at least 30% of your HP on hit.

How to Clear Friendly Spar and Honed Will Difficulties

Break Enhanced State with Rushes and Strikes

Genshin - Friendly Spar and Hone Will 1 - Break Enhanced State with Rushes and Strikes
The Friendly Spar and Hone Will Difficulties allow you to break the Super-Heavy Defensive Formation's enhanced state by doing at least two rushes or one piercing strike! Which means you have more chances to beat them!

Dodge All Attacks at the Start

Genshin - Friendly Spar and Hone Will 2 - Dodge All Attacks at the Start
In Honed Will or Friendly Spar, it's best to dodge all its attacks at the start due to its unpredictability. Each round, this beetle will have a different opening attack, so it's best to dodge it all!

Stay a Few Tiles Away

Genshin - Friendly Spar and Hone Will 3 - Stay a Few Tiles Away
Being too close to this enemy will trigger the quake attacks and if you are too far it will trigger thunderstrikes, so stay a consistent distance away from the beetle!

Find A Key Moment to Attack

Genshin - Friendly Spar and Hone Will 4 - Find A Key Moment to Attack
The best time to attack is when the enemy is doing quake attacks many times, and you are a little bit away from them. This allows you to charge up for a rush or a piercing strike without needing to dodge!

Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Stage Information

Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Stage Details

Enemy Super-Heavy Defensive Formation
Genshin - Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 3 Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Owner: The Cage-Maker
◆ Impressive melee combat strength.
◆ Attacks with quakes.
◆ Enhanced resistance to interruption,

The Cage-Maker Day 3 Opponent

Genshin - The Cage-Maker Day 3 Opponent
The Super-Heavy Defensive Formation is owned by The Cage-Maker. The Cage-Maker is related to the first opponent during the quest, Elyctra, and came to avenge him by defeating Paimon!

He used to do woodworking until Hanakado inspired him to play Beetle Brawls. He now creates cages for the Onikabuto for Hanakado.

Has Heavy Defenses and Large AoE Attacks

Genshin - Has Heavy Defenses and Large AoE Attacks

  1. An Onikabuto that can enter a status that increases its resistance to interruption.
  2. In Friendly Spar and Honed Will modes, you need to do 2 rushes or 1 piercing strike to break this status.
  3. In the Fanatic Passion difficulty, only a piercing strike can break its enhanced status.

Arataki Beetle Brawl Day 3 Rewards

Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Day 3 Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Clear the challenge on Friendly Spar difficulty.
Clear the challenge on Honed Will difficulty.
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x40,000
Duel on a Fanatic Passion difficulty once
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

Super-Heavy Defensive Formation Information

Part of the Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl

Genshin - Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Extreme Beetle Brawl

Super-Heavy Defensive Formation is the third out of five opponents in the Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Extreme Beetle Brawl! On Day 3, you must observe the enemy attacks, dodge all attacks, and do a piercing strike to defeat them.

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