Genshin Impact

Raging Rhodeia Boss Guide

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Boss Guide
Raging Rhodeia is a boss in Genshin Impact's Wishful Drops event. Learn how to unlock Rhodeia's Rage, boss fight tips and strategies, recommended characters, Rhodeia's attack patterns, and Raging Rhodeia rewards in this guide!

Wishful Drops Event
Genshin - Wishful Drops IconWishful Drops Genshin - Raging RhodeiaRaging Rhodeia Genshin - Endora Icon EventEndora Pet

Raging Rhodeia Basic Information

Availability Period 04/09/2021 - 04/16/2021
Location Northeast of Wuwang Hill
How to Unlock Complete Life Flows On (I) World Quest
Clear Area I: Sunlit Mountainside

Wishful Drops Boss Fight

Genshin Impact - Wishful Drops Event guide

Raging Rhodeia is only available during the Wishful Drops event. Challenge her and claim the boss fight rewards before the event is over!

Wishful Drops Event Guide

How to Unlock Raging Rhodeia

Genshin - Endoras Education

Life Flows On (I) & Area I: Sunlit Mountainside

After completing the prerequisite quest, Life Flows On (I), you will get to explore areas and capture Oceanid Creatures. Complete the first area's exploration progress to unlock Raging Rhodeia!

Life Flows On (I) Quest Walkthrough

How to Defeat Raging Rhodeia

Raging Rhodeia Gameplay Tips & Tricks

Genshin - Wishful Drops Boss Fight

Challenge Rhodeia in Co-Op Mode

Raging Rhodeia will be harder to defeat than the regular Oceanid, and you might want some help with the challenge! Take a look at our co-op boards to find Raging Rhodeia boss fight buddies:

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Damage Rhodeia Directly

Unlike the regular Oceanid boss fight, players will be able to damage Rhodeia's body directly in the event! Balance dodging her attacks and dealing deadly blows in-between to defeat Rhodeia.

Use Cryo to Disable Oceanid Creatures

Genshin - Cryo on Raging Rhodeia
Raging Rhodeia will still deploy Oceanid Creatures during combat. Use Cryo skills on the Oceanid Creatures to freeze and disable them, reducing incoming damage and making them easier to defeat!

Use Fitful Rapids to Avoid Strong Attacks

Genshin - Fitful Rapids
Fitful Rapids will appear throughout the combat, especially when Raging Rhodeia is about to launch a strong attack. Use these water platforms to rise up and avoid all incoming damage!

Raging Rhodeia Attack Patterns

Rush Attack

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Rush Attack
Rhodeia rushes towards players while rotating her body. She uses this attack twice in a row, so don't let your guard down after the first dodge!

Tail Slam Attack

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Tail Slam
Rhodeia slams players with her tail and activates three water torrents near her. Move away from the water torrents before they burst to avoid taking damage.

Hydro Pump Attack

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Hydro Pump
Rhodeia steadies herself and fires a Hydro Pump at players, continuously firing water and homing on the target. Use Fitful Rapids to avoid the attack completely, or constantly run and dodge until the attack stops.

Whirlpool Traps

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Whirlpools
Rhodeia does a slight tumble in the air before summoning whirlpools on the Oceanid platform, with each whirlpool being as big as a platform tile. Dash out of their AoE quickly to avoid taking large damage.

Water Bubbles

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Water Bubbles
Rhodeia summons water bubbles that lock in on players and deal damage upon reaching them. Dodge at the last minute to avoid being hit.

Giant Water Bomb

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Water Bomb
Rhodeia rises up into the air and forms a giant water bomb to drop on players. Once you see her getting ready for this attack, get yourself on a Fitful Rapid because a water bomb's AoE is very wide!

Raging Rhodeia Recommended Characters

Raging Rhodeia Character Bonus

All Characters with Bonuses
Ganyu Image Ganyu Rosaria Image Rosaria Diona Image Diona
Keqing Image Keqing Lisa Image Lisa Fischl Image Fischl
Hu Tao Image Hu Tao Xinyan Image Xinyan Noelle Image Noelle
Event Bonuses
Hydro RES Bonus +30%
Energy Recharge Bonus +30%

Recommended Characters

Raging Rhodeia Recommended Characters
Ganyu Image Ganyu ・Skills can freeze enemies and avoid attacks.
・Charged Attacks can target and freeze multiple enemies at once.
・Affected by event bonus!
Diona Image Diona ・Benefits the party with shields.
・Heals the party with Elemental Burst.
・Affected by event bonus!
Hu Tao Image Hu Tao ・Easily trigger Vaporize with Pyro skills.
・Massive DMG due to Vaporize reactions.
・Affected by event bonus!
Xinyan Image Xinyan ・Benefits the party with shields.
・Skills help with crowd control and AoE DMG.
・Affected by event bonus!
Keqing Image Keqing ・Elemental Burst targets multiple enemies at once and deals high DMG.
・Affected by event bonus!
Noelle Image Noelle ・Benefits the party with shields.
・Can be a decent DPS and support at the same time.
・Affected by event bonus!

Recommended Parties

Party 1
Hu Tao Image Hu Tao Ganyu Image Ganyu Xinyan Image Xinyan Diona Image Diona

Having 2 Cryo and 2 Pyro characters in a team against Rhodeia is great for the elemental reactions! This party can easily freeze opponents while dealing massive amounts of damage with Vaporize. You will also have shields and healing to support you!

In addition to the boosts from reactions, the party's damage and CRIT rate are increased through Elemental Resonance and event character bonuses!

Party 2
Xiangling Image Xiangling Kaeya Image Kaeya Bennett Image Bennett Diona Image Diona

This second party still recommends the use of 2 Cryo and 2 Pyro characters. Although Xiangling, Kaeya, and Bennett don't have character bonuses, you still have the damage and CRIT rate boost from elemental resonance and reactions.

Diona's shields are still here for protection, and Bennett's healing and damage boost will prove to be a great help as well!

Party 3
Ganyu Image Ganyu Keqing Image Keqing Fischl Image Fischl Diona Image Diona

This lineup makes use of the character bonuses, along with Electro Resonance, which increases Hydro RES by 40%. This prevents you from taking too much damage, while providing you with CRIT Rate bonuses from Cryo Resonance.

Party 4
Kaeya Image Kaeya Amber Image Amber Lisa Image Lisa Noelle Image Noelle

This lineup consists of Free to Play characters, making it ideal for early-game players. Kaeya works as a main DPS, while Amber and Lisa can attack Rhodeia from a distance. Noelle provides shields and healing, which is very helpful against the stronger attacks.

Raging Rhodeia Rewards

Genshin - Raging Rhodeia Rewards

How to Claim Rewards

After defeating Raging Rhodeia, claim your rewards through the cube mechanism labeled ''Purewater Reverie.''

Heart of the Spring

Genshin - Heart of Spring Rewards
Heart of the Spring is a limited event item used to claim Raging Rhodeia rewards. Duringt he Wishful Drops event, you will get a maximum of 5 Heart of the Springs by completing exploration areas.

Take a look at our Wishful Drops event guide to learn how to get Heart of the Springs:
Wishful Drops Event Guide

Is using Original Resin on Raging Rhodeia worth it?

If you run out of Heart of the Springs, you can use 40 Original Resin to claim Raging Rhodeia rewards. Purewater Reverie yields a handful of Character EXP material and Adventure EXP, making it worth the Resin especially is you have characters you need to level up!

Boss Fight Rewards

Wanderer Wanderer's Advice Adventurer Adventurer's Experience Hero Hero's Wit
Adventure EXP Image Adventure EXP Companionship EXP Image Companionship EXP

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Wishful Drops Slim Banner
Wishful Drops Event Guide

Wishful Drops Event Items

Event Items
Genshin Impact - Endora ImageEndora Genshin Impact - Inquisitive Endora ImageInquisitive Endora Genshin Impact - Heart of the Spring ImageHeart of the Spring

Wishful Drops Event Guides

Event Name Event Period & Rewards
Genshin - Raging Rhodeia GuideRaging Rhodeia Boss Guide 04/09/2021 - 04/16/2021
Genshin Impact - Wanderer Genshin Impact - Adventurer Genshin Impact - Hero
Genshin Impact - Adventure EXP Image Genshin Impact - Companionship EXP Image

Wishful Drops Quest Guides

Life Flows On (I) Life Flows On (II)


2 Anonymousalmost 4 years

what level would Rhodeia be according to your AR or character level?

1 Kama Znawca Genshinaalmost 4 years

|Amber is Gunwo totalne

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