Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Who Can Learn Stomping Tantrum (TM98)

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Stomping Tantrum

This is an article for the move Stomping Tantrum (TM98) and the Pokemon who can learn it and its location in Pokemon Sword and Shield, Isle of Armor, and the Crown Tundra DLC. Read on to see the Power, Accuracy, PP, and Effect, and see how to use it competitively.

Stomping Tantrum (TM98) - Type and Effect

Type Pokemon Ground Image
Category Pokemon Physical Image
Power 75
Accuracy 100
PP 10
Effect Driven by frustration, the user attacks the target. If the user's previous move has failed, the power of this move doubles.
Max Move Max Quake
Power: 130
TM / TR TM98

Pokemon That Learn Stomping Tantrum (TM98)

By Default

Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By Level Up

CuboneCubone MarowakMarowak Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak
LarvitarLarvitar PupitarPupitar TyranitarTyranitar
GolettGolett GolurkGolurk GuzzlordGuzzlord

By TM / TR

VenusaurVenusaur SandshrewSandshrew SandslashSandslash
NidorinaNidorina NidoqueenNidoqueen NidorinoNidorino
NidokingNidoking DiglettDiglett Alolan DiglettAlolan Diglett
DugtrioDugtrio Alolan DugtrioAlolan Dugtrio MachokeMachoke
MachampMachamp OnixOnix KinglerKingler
ExeggutorExeggutor Alolan ExeggutorAlolan Exeggutor CuboneCubone
MarowakMarowak Alolan MarowakAlolan Marowak HitmonleeHitmonlee
LickitungLickitung RhyhornRhyhorn RhydonRhydon
ChanseyChansey Mr. MimeMr. Mime Galarian Mr. MimeGalarian Mr. Mime
TaurosTauros SnorlaxSnorlax Galarian ZapdosGalarian Zapdos
MewMew SudowoodoSudowoodo WooperWooper
QuagsireQuagsire DunsparceDunsparce SteelixSteelix
PiloswinePiloswine CorsolaCorsola Galarian CorsolaGalarian Corsola
MiltankMiltank BlisseyBlissey EnteiEntei
LarvitarLarvitar PupitarPupitar TyranitarTyranitar
SwampertSwampert LinooneLinoone Galarian LinooneGalarian Linoone
LoudredLoudred ExploudExploud LaironLairon
AggronAggron TorkoalTorkoal LunatoneLunatone
SolrockSolrock WhiscashWhiscash ArmaldoArmaldo
WalreinWalrein RelicanthRelicanth MetagrossMetagross
RegirockRegirock RegiceRegice RegisteelRegisteel
GroudonGroudon GastrodonGastrodon BonslyBonsly
GarchompGarchomp MunchlaxMunchlax HippopotasHippopotas
HippowdonHippowdon DrapionDrapion AbomasnowAbomasnow
LickilickyLickilicky RhyperiorRhyperior TangrowthTangrowth
ElectivireElectivire MagmortarMagmortar MamoswineMamoswine
DialgaDialga PalkiaPalkia HeatranHeatran
RegigigasRegigigas StoutlandStoutland BoldoreBoldore
GigalithGigalith ExcadrillExcadrill AudinoAudino
ConkeldurrConkeldurr SeismitoadSeismitoad ThrohThroh
ScolipedeScolipede KrokorokKrokorok KrookodileKrookodile
CrustleCrustle GarbodorGarbodor AmoongussAmoonguss
FraxureFraxure HaxorusHaxorus StunfiskStunfisk
Galarian StunfiskGalarian Stunfisk DruddigonDruddigon GolettGolett
GolurkGolurk BouffalantBouffalant HeatmorHeatmor
DurantDurant TerrakionTerrakion DiggersbyDiggersby
PangoroPangoro TyruntTyrunt TyrantrumTyrantrum
CarbinkCarbink GoodraGoodra AvaluggAvalugg
ZygardeZygarde Zygarde (10% Forme)Zygarde (10% Forme) Zygarde (Complete Forme)Zygarde (Complete Forme)
VolcanionVolcanion IncineroarIncineroar RockruffRockruff
Lycanroc (Midday Form)Lycanroc (Midday Form) Lycanroc (Midnight Form)Lycanroc (Midnight Form) Lycanroc (Dusk Form)Lycanroc (Dusk Form)
MudbrayMudbray MudsdaleMudsdale StuffulStufful
BewearBewear TurtonatorTurtonator DrampaDrampa
Kommo-oKommo-o BuzzwoleBuzzwole CelesteelaCelesteela
GuzzlordGuzzlord StakatakaStakataka RillaboomRillaboom
GreedentGreedent DrednawDrednaw GrapploctGrapploct
GrimmsnarlGrimmsnarl ObstagoonObstagoon CursolaCursola
Mr. RimeMr. Rime StonjournerStonjourner MorpekoMorpeko
CufantCufant CopperajahCopperajah DracozoltDracozolt
ArctozoltArctozolt DracovishDracovish DuraludonDuraludon
ZarudeZarude GlastrierGlastrier SpectrierSpectrier
Calyrex (Ice Rider)Calyrex (Ice Rider) Calyrex (Shadow Rider)Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

By Egg Move

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

By Move Tutor

There are no Pokemon who learn this move by this method.

Competitive Analysis

In order to use Stomping Tantrum to its full potential, your previous move must fail before attacking with Stomping Tantrum.

One easy way of doing this is in Doubles. Pairing your Stomping Tantrum user with a Flying-type and targeting that ally is a guarantee that the move will fail (the move will only hit on very specific exceptions). This is easy to setup, but pay attention to your PP usage!

Another way of doing it without relying on an ally is by deliberately attacking a Pokemon with a move that it is immune to, much like the Flying-typed ally strategy.

A number of Normal, Ghost, and Poison-types can learn Stomping Tantrum. Use their type's moves against Ghost, Normal, or Steel-types respectively.

Stomping Tantrum (TM98) Locations

Get from Route 10

You can pickup Stomping Tantrum (TM98) on the ground in Route 10.

Route 10 Map

Related Links

List of Moves
List of All New Moves (Crown Tundra Updated)
Moves by Type
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ElectricElectric IceIce FightingFighting
PoisonPoison GroundGround FlyingFlying
PsychicPsychic BugBug RockRock
GhostGhost DragonDragon DarkDark
SteelSteel FairyFairy NormalNormal
Moves by Category
Physical Special Status
Dynamax Moves
Max Moves G-Max Moves
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Moves that Ignore Abilities
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Multi-Target Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves that Make Contact Moves that Do Not Make Contact Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Moves that Forces a Switch Sound-Based Moves
List of Priority Moves


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