Monster Hunter Wilds

Tough Guardian Bone Location: How to Get and Uses

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Tough Guardian Bone is a Equipment Material in Monster Hunter Wilds. See how to get Tough Guardian Bone, how to use it, and its effects.

Tough Guardian Bone Farming Route

Best Farmed in the Ruins of Wyveria

Ruins of Wyveria Bone Farming Route

  1. Exit the Base Camp, collect the bones to the left, and drop down to Area 6.
  2. Gather from all the Bonepiles scattered across Area 6.
  3. Fast travel to the Entangled Canopy camp to reach the Area 11 Bonepile.
  4. Fast travel to the Gap in Rubble camp and collect the bones nearby.
  5. Fast Travel to the Hidden Cave Pop-Up Camp and get the bones in Area 12.

The Bonepiles in the Ruins of Wyveria are the only ones where you can gather Tough Guardian Bone. While some quests and monsters can reward you with this bone, it's best farmed through Bonepiles in the Ruins of Wyveria. You can farm Tough Guardian Bones in both Low Rank and High Rank.

Always keep on the lookout for Bonepile Upsurges in the Ruins of Wyveria for more Bonepile nodes and increased chances of rarer Bones!

Ruins of Wyveria Map and Location Guide

How to Get Tough Guardian Bone

Gather From Bonepiles

Monster Hunter Wilds - Bonepiles

Locale Areas
Monster Hunter Wilds - Ruins of Wyveria Icon Ruins of Wyveria
Wyveria 1 Wyveria 4 Wyveria 5 Wyveria 6 Wyveria 8 Wyveria 11 Wyveria 12

Bypass Bonepile Cooldowns with Optional Quests

Tough Guardian Bones can only be obtained from regular Bonepiles found in Ruins of Wyveria. These Bonepiles have a 15 minute cooldown, but can be bypassed by starting an Optional Quest and then selecting "Return from Quest" in the menu.

List of Optional Quests

Wear Armor with Geologist Skill

Equip the Geologist Skill

If you happen to have armor pieces that have the Geologist Skill, equip at least one to have it at Level 1. This gives a guaranteed bonus of one extra item whenever collecting from Bonepiles, which happens to be the same place to look for Tough Guardian Bones.

Geologist Skill Effects

Spread Those Wings Optional Quest

Spread Those Wings is a low rank optional quest that will require you to slay 6 Guardian Seikret. The player has a 20% chance to receive a Tough Guardian Bone as a target reward of Guardian Seikret. The quest itself also has a chance to reward the player with a Tough Guardian Bone as part of its quest rewards. This quest is a great way to farm for Tough Guardian Bones if the player does not want to go through Bonepiles.

Low Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Unobtainable as a Carve Reward.

High Rank Monster Rewards

Broken Part
Unobtainable as a Broken Part Reward.
Unobtainable as a Wound Reward.
Unobtainable as a Carve Reward.

Quest Rewards

Type Rank Quest Name
Assignments 3 Repel the Guardian Arkveld
Assignments 3 The Pale Dream of a Lone Shadow
Assignments 3 Guardian Zoh Shia
Optional 3 Spread Those Wings
Optional 5 Small White Feathers

Tough Guardian Bone Bonepile Locations Interactive Map

To search for a specific item or material, press the magnifying glass icon on the bottom right. Select from the dropdown button to see other levels and areas

How to Use Tough Guardian Bone

Used to Forge Weapons

G. Veldian Arcum IG. Veldian Arcum I (x2) G. Veldian Labrys IG. Veldian Labrys I (x2)
G. Veldian Harpes IG. Veldian Harpes I (x2) G. Veldian Gladius IG. Veldian Gladius I (x2)
G. Veldian Hasta IG. Veldian Hasta I (x2) G. Veldian Malleus IG. Veldian Malleus I (x2)
G. Veldian Tormentum IG. Veldian Tormentum I (x2) G. Veldian Sibilus IG. Veldian Sibilus I (x2)
G. Veldian Trudis IG. Veldian Trudis I (x2) G. Veldian Lancea IG. Veldian Lancea I (x2)
G. Veldian Impetum IG. Veldian Impetum I (x2) G. Veldian Ensis IG. Veldian Ensis I (x2)
G. Veldian Securis IG. Veldian Securis I (x2) G. Veldian Mucro IG. Veldian Mucro I (x2)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

HunterHunter's Bow III (×2) Dosha Fearbringer IIDosha Fearbringer II (×1)
Bone Strongarm IIIBone Strongarm III (×2) Bone Hatchets IIIBone Hatchets III (×2)
Dosha Fastflayers IIDosha Fastflayers II (×1) Bone Blade IIIBone Blade III (×1)
Dosha Fellslayer IIDosha Fellslayer II (×1) Bone Gunlance IIIBone Gunlance III (×)
Bone Bludgeon IIIBone Bludgeon III (×2) Bone Shooter IIIBone Shooter III (×2)
Bone Horn IIIBone Horn III (×2) Dosha Farsounder IIDosha Farsounder II (×1)
Bone Staff IIIBone Staff III (×1) Bone Lance IIIBone Lance III (×2)
Dosha Fierceborer IIDosha Fierceborer II (×1) HunterHunter's Rifle III (×2)
Bone Shotel IIIBone Shotel III (×2) Dosha Fatecleaver IIDosha Fatecleaver II (×1)
Bone Axe IIIBone Axe III (×2) Dosha Fleshhacker IIDosha Fleshhacker II (×1)
Bone Kukri IIIBone Kukri III (×2)

Used to Forge Armor

Dober Vambraces αDober Vambraces α
Dober Vambraces α (×3)
G. Arkveld MailG. Arkveld Mail
G. Arkveld Mail (×3)
Xu Wu HelmXu Wu Helm
Xu Wu Helm (×1)
G. Ebony Greaves αG. Ebony Greaves α
G. Ebony Greaves α (×2)
G. Ebony Greaves βG. Ebony Greaves β
G. Ebony Greaves β (×2)
G. Seikret CoilG. Seikret Coil
G. Seikret Coil (×1)
Bone Coil αBone Coil α
Bone Coil α (×1)
G. Seikret Coil αG. Seikret Coil α
G. Seikret Coil α (×4)
G. Seikret Coil βG. Seikret Coil β
G. Seikret Coil β (×4)

Used to Forge Palico Equipment

Felyne Bone Helm αFelyne Bone Helm α (×1) Felyne Bone Mail αFelyne Bone Mail α (×1)
Felyne Bone Hammer αFelyne Bone Hammer α (×1)

Used to Forge/Upgrade Charms

GluttonGlutton's Charm II (×1)

Tough Guardian Bone Overview

Tough Guardian BoneTough Guardian Bone
Description A bone found in the Ruins of Wyveria. Its peculiar shape is unique to the local wildlife.
Rarity 4 Type Equipment Material
Sell Price
Zenny 600z
Pouch Limit -

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