Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

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    6 Anonymous12 daysReport

    Useless stick with crit only...

    5 Anonymous15 daysReport

    the passive is completely useless for him. he could use the CD and base attack tho. in my opinion EM 4stars ae equal (if not better) so i think you could save it for when u got Clorinde

    4 Anonymous16 daysReport

    If you're running Aquila Bennett then yes, this is absolutely an upgrade.

    3 Anonymous17 daysReport

    can I use this on alhaitham?? accidentally got it and don't have other replacements

    2 Anonymous19 daysReport

    wouldnt this sword be good for bennett? because of the high base atk

    1 Anonymous22 daysReport

    Good statstick for Keqing, also suit with her official artwork (her sword on her official artwork has similarity design)

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