Genshin Impact

How to Get Realm Bounty | Realm Bounty Item Guide

Genshin Impact - Realm Bounty Housing Guide
Realm Bounty is a passive way to earn Companionship EXP from the Housing System in Genshin Impact. Learn what Realm Bounty is, how to get it, how much you get from Adeptal Energy Levels, and other Realm Bounty and Companionship EXP information in this guide!

What is Realm Bounty?

Genshin - Realm Bounty Maximum Limit

Companionship EXP from the Serenitea Pot

Realm Bounty is the Companionship EXP you earn from the Serenitea Pot, depending on your Adeptal Energy Levels. Once collected, Realm Bounty is directly converted into Companionship EXP for the deployed characters.
What is Companionship EXP?

Housing System Feature

Genshin - Serenitea Pot Companionship EXP
The Realm Bounty feature came with Serenitea Pot Character Companions feature in the Version 1.6 update of Genshin Impact.
Housing System & Serenitea Pot Guide

How to Get Realm Bounty

Raise your Adeptal Energy

Genshin - Raise Your Adeptal Energy
Much like Realm Currency, Companionship EXP and Realm Bounty can only be earned passively depending on your Adeptal Energy Level. The more Adeptal Energy you have, the more Companionship EXP you gain!
How to Get Adeptal Energy

Realm Bounty Accumulation Rates

Adeptal Energy Levels Currency Gained Bounty Gained
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 1Bare Bones
4/hr 2/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 2Humble Abode
8/hr 2/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 3Cozy
12/hr 3/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 4Queen-Size
16/hr 3/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 5Elegant
20/hr 4/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 6Exquisite
22/hr 4/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 7Extraordinary
24/hr 4/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 8Stately
26/hr 5/hr
Genshin Impact - Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 9Luxury
28/hr 5/hr
Genshin Impact -Trust Rank Adeptal Energy Level 10Fit for a King
30/hr 5/hr

How to Collect Realm Bounty

Where to Collect Realm Bounty

Genshin - How to Collect Realm Bounty
You collect Realm Bounty in the Trust Rank screen, which you can access by talking to Tubby. Click on the treasure chest icon to collect your accumulated Realm Bounty and Companionship EXP.

Which characters get Companionship EXP?

Not all your characters will gain Companionship EXP after collecting your Realm Bounty, just the ones you have in your Serenitea Pot Realm. You will see a list of which characters will get the Companionship EXP beside the treasure chest icon.

Tips for Collecting Realm Bounty

Genshin - Invite Characters to Move In

Invite Characters to Move In

In order to fully utilize the Realm Bounty feature, level up your Trust Rank as fast as you can. This way, you can have up to 8 Character Companions receiving the Realm Bounty Companionship EXP!
How to Move In Characters

Maximum Realm Bounty Limit

Genshin - Maximum Realm Bounty

Realm Bounty Storage

All Realm Bounty is stored in a treasure chest icon in the Trust Rank screen. The purple inside the icon marks how much Realm Bounty you have. Claim your Realm Bounty and Companionship EXP before your storage is filled to avoid losing any Realm Bounty!

How to Increase Maximum Realm Bounty

Genshin - Maximum Realm Bounty
You can increase your Realm Bounty and Teapot Companionship EXP storage limit by increasing your Trust Rank. The maximum Realm Bounty storage limit is 500, which you achieve at Trust Rank 10.
How to Increase Trust Rank

Trust Rank Levels & Bounty Limit

Level Maximum Realm Bounty
1 ↑ 50
2 ↑ 100
3 ↑ 150
4 ↑ 200
5 ↑ 250
6 ↑ 300
7 ↑ 350
8 ↑ 400
9 ↑ 450
10 ↑ 500

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2 Anonymousabout 2 years

Same as if you put 6

1 Anonymousover 2 years

i'm at trust rank 6 which means 6 characters right. so do i get more friendship xp for each character if i only put 5 (or less) characters in my teapot or is it the same as just putting 6?

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