Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Where His Life Lies Quest GuideComment

Showing 1-13 of 13 entries


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    13 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    The two guys you're supposed to meet at the very start of the quest won't show up for me for whatever reason

    12 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Seems to be bugged for me. I'm finished with all Sumeru Reputaion quests, but Garcia won't show up in that spot in Fontaine.

    11 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Garcia doesn't show up, no matter what. My Sumeru Reputation is complete

    10 Prerequisites 11 monthsReport

    Mihoyo have confirmed that prerequisites are: Completing Principia Arithmetica Achievement. Afterwards you must do Garcia's Paean:Key Items OR Garica's Paean:Substitutes 2 times. Then wait until server reset and Garcia should be in the Aquabus terminal.

    9 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I noticed i didn't have the garcia quest in my sumeru logs months ago so I've been in sumeru since then. and I finished the garcia commissions, got the achievement, and finished the sumeru reputation last week, on may 1st. officially in the new patch. but garcia has still not appeared in fontaine. this is giving me the liyue story commission flashbacks do I have to log into a pc or mobile version for this too?!

    8 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Yeah, I think we have to do the dailies 3 times in Sumeru again after the Fontaine patches. I've done everything but still no Garcia in Fontaine.

    7 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Yep me too. I long completed Sumeru's quests and also have the Principia Arithmetica achievement which means I have completed Garcia's commissions multiple times.... but still no Garcia in Fontaine!!!

    6 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I completed Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility a long time ago and already had the achievement, still no Garcia

    5 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I had already completed the pre-requisite quest and got the achievement before 4.6, wasn't there, waited for the following server reset, still nothing. Now I will reset my dailies to Sumeru and keep checking... I'm reminded of that bubble in the Apam Woods that spawns a Remarkable Chest and now I think my eye is twitching

    4 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    Im so mad. I completed the requisite quest, yet i still don't have this one. I guess i got to waste multiple days in Sumeru again for a shot at getting this quest. Which, in turn also has another daily reset for the follow up quest. This game doesn't respect my time.

    3 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    It's looking like even after completing the gift quest/getting the achievement you need to keep doing sumeru dailies until you do any Garcia daily ANOTHER two times (the dialogue for Garcia substitute/key item is different after you complete the achievement so maybe that factors in).

    2 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    same here garcia paean on giving pain as far as i know cant find him even after completing everything.

    1 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    I completed the noted prerequisites here but Garcia still isn't in Fontaine

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