Genshin Impact

Absolute Dominance - Contestant with Super OP Gear

Absolute Dominance is Stage 3 of Arataki's Beetle Battle Boot Camp in Genshin Impact 4.3. Check out how to beat Contestant with Super OP Gear in Focused Fight and Utmost Might, Yanfei's event stage details, and day 3 rewards here!

Arataki Beetle Battle Boot Camp Guides
Genshin - Arataki Beetle Boot Camp Day 1Stage 1 Genshin - Arataki Beetle Boot Camp Day 2Stage 2 Genshin - Arataki Beetle Boot Camp LockedStage 3 Genshin - Arataki Beetle Boot Camp LockedStage 4 Genshin - Arataki Beetle Boot Camp LockedStage 5

How to Defeat Absolute Dominance

How to Clear Friendly Spar and Focused Fight Difficulties

Keep Distance!

Yanfei's massive beetle packs a punch and specializes in slow, yet powerful AoE attacks. Take note of this and dodge accordingly!

Charge Up When It's Near!

While Absolute Dominance has AoE combos, its attacks are quite easy to read. Once it uses a quake or an Electro Bullet, expect it to close the distance with a Charge Attack.

Keep clear of it, then attack with all your beetle's might!

How to Clear Utmost Might Difficulty

Move Backwards to Dodge Attacks then Hold Charge

Absolute Domiance in Utmost Difficulty opens the battle up with a Quake attack hitting three times, so once the battle begins move backwards immediately!

After which, it may charge up its Normal Attack or throw an Electro Bullet, either of which would require you to create distance!

Be Patient and Use Max Launch Attacks!

As suggested above, while waiting for openings, charge up your attacks and release when it tries to move closer.

Be sure to avoid being too passive or aggressive as this enemy beetle can easily punish careless beetles!

Contestant with Super OP Gear Stage Information

Absolute Dominance Stage Details

Boot Camp Day 3 Details
Stage Name: Interested Newcomer?
Owner: "Contestant with OP Gear" Yanfei
◆ Impressive Melee Strength
◆ Attacks with quakes

Yanfei Fight in Day 3

Absolute Dominance is the name of Yanfei's beetle that you fight in Stage 3 of Arataki's Blazing Armor Beetle Battle Boot Camp! The stage's full name is ''Interested Newcomer?'' and unlocks on the third day of the event.

In this stage, our favorite Liyue lawyer, Yanfei goes by the name of Contestant with Super OP Gear and is located by the event venue in the Guyun Stone Forest.

Arataki Beetle Boot Camp Event Guide

Beetle Boot Camp Day 3 Rewards

Contestant with Super OP Gear Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Clear the challenge in Friendly Spar difficulty
Clear the challenge on Focused Fight difficulty
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x40,000
Take part in a duel on Utmost Might difficulty once
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20,000

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