Genshin Impact

How to Get Court of Justice's Valor Furnishing

Genshin Impact - How to Get Court of Justice

Court of Justice's Valor is a Furniture Item for Genshin Impact's Housing and Furnishing System. See how to get Court of Justice's Valor, how to craft it, the crafting materials, Trust points, Adeptal Energy, and furnishing details here!

Court of Justice's Valor Adeptal Energy & Trust

Court of Justice's Valor Furnishing Stats

Genshin Impact - Court of Justice Adeptal Energy 90
Trust Points 90
Craftable? Yes

Adeptal Energy & Trust Rank Points

Gaining Adeptal Energy helps you earn more Realm Currency, while Trust raises your Trust Rank. Trust Ranks unlocks various shop options, Furnishing Blueprints, and Housing features!

Genshin Impact - Adeptal Energy GuideAdeptal Energy Guide Genshin Impact - How to Increase Trust RankTrust Rank Guide

How to Get Court of Justice's Valor

Court of Justice's Valor Blueprint Locations

Other Sources Remarkable Chest Reward on Fontaine

Found in the Institute of Natural Philosophy

After finishing the Aqueous Tidemarks world quest, teleport back to the Institute of Natural Philosophy and look for the room near the Teleport Waypoint. The Court of Justice's Valor blueprint is kept in this chest.

Fontaine Remarkable Chests Guide

How to Craft Court of Justice's Valor

Item First-Time Crafting Reward
Genshin - Court of Justice
Trust x90
Crafting Materials

Use the Furnishing Blueprint for Court of Justice's Valor from your inventory, then talk to Tubby to begin crafting! Crafting new Furnishing Blueprints for the first time will reward you with Trust Points, which are used to raise your Trust Rank.

How to Craft Furniture

How to Use Court of Justice's Valor

Used to Decorate Housing Realms

Genshin - How to Use Furniture
Court of Justice's Valor can be used to decorate in the Serenitea Pot Housing System feature! To place Court of Justice's Valor in your Housing Realm, open the Furnishing Placement screen and click on the item. You're free to move it around and rotate it as you please.

Housing System & Serenitea Pot Guide

Court of Justice's Valor Furnishing Sets

Furnishing Sets are pre-made furniture arrangements you can decorate with in the Housing System feature. Court of Justice's Valor is part of the following Furnishing Sets:

This item is not part of any Furnishing Sets.

Court of Justice's Valor Furnishing Info

Genshin - Court of Justice Type Fontaine-Style
Category Building
Placement Outdoors
Rarity 4

A structurally solid medium-sized building built in the same style as the Court of Fontaine branch of the Adventurers' Guild. It's one of the few buildings to utilize the metal frame and slag cement construction method, and even the gaps between the masonry are filled with a powerful adhesive. It is said that even a berserk clockwork meka going all out would have a hard time tearing it down.
According to a certain tabloid, when the Adventurers' Guild built its Fontaine branch, they took the possibility of repeated inspections by the Maison Gardiennage and the huge pressure the heavy clockwork meka would exert on the flooring into consideration. Furthermore, if conflict were to rise with the Maison Gardiennage or if a clockwork meka were to go out of control, half the building could easily be destroyed. Thus, the Adventurers' Guild was willing to invest a huge sum in a strong structure utilizing a metal frame.
When asked about it, the members of the Adventurers' Guild refused to comment on this or just responded with blank expressions. However, the local residents could clearly tell the relationship between the Adventurers' Guild and Maison Gardiennage was quite harmonious, nor was the building designed especially for the Adventurers' Guild. The article was seen as fabricating and spreading rumors. As a result, the author of the article soon became a pariah in Fontaine media industry.

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Genshin Impact - List of Furnishing and Furniture
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Other Fontaine-Style Furnishings

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