Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Genshin Impact Xbox Release Date and NewsComment

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    2 Dakazo3 monthsReport

    I hope down the line they add a new character to the game like how they added Aloy for PS4. I know people make fun of Aloy for being kinda useless but its still fun that they took the time to put her in the game. Idk what character they'd pick for Xbox though... And if, even FURTHER down the line, they ever get around to putting it on a Nintendo console (probably the next one, I think the switch port is dead in Miami) maybe we can get Link or Marth or someone like that.

    1 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    i play on my ps5 , but i never know before , there is no xbox player in game ! anyway ... wellcome to genshin xbox owner friend,s ♥

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