Genshin Impact

Roaming the Jungle Event Guide

Genshin Impact - Roaming the Jungle Guide for Graven Innocence
Roaming the Jungle is a Sub Event under Genshin Impact's Graven Innocence Event. See information and rewards on Snapshots, Behemoth Observation, Grove Dash, and Braving the Elements here!

Graven Innocence Event Guides
Genshin - Roaming the Jungle Roaming the Jungle Genshin - Grove DashGrove Dash
Genshin - SnapshotsSnapshots 1 Genshin - SnapshotsSnapshots 2 Genshin - SnapshotsSnapshots 3 Genshin - SnapshotsSnapshots 4
Genshin - Braving the ElementsBraving the Elements 1 Genshin - Braving the ElementsBraving the Elements 2 Genshin - Braving the ElementsBraving the Elements 3 Genshin - Braving the ElementsBraving the Elements 4
Behemoth 1 - Regisvine Behemoth 2 - Jadeplume

Roaming the Jungle Stages

All Roaming the Jungle Challenges

Click to jump to a Roaming the Jungle Guide!
Genshin - SnapshotsSnapshots Genshin - Behemoth ObservationBehemoth Observation
Genshin - Grove DashGrove Dash Genshin - Braving the ElementsBraving the Elements

Roaming the Jungle Full Schedule

Event Event Stages Unlock Dates
Genshin - SnapshotsSnapshots Rainforest Creature August 24
Tri-Lakshana Creatures August 27
Animal Behavior August 30
Vanarana September 02
Genshin - Behemoth ObservationBehemonth Observation Electro Regisvine August 24
Jadeplume Terroshroom
Genshin - Grove DashGrove Dash Grove Dash Day 1 August 24
Grove Dash Day 2 August 25
Grove Dash Day 3 August 26
Grove Dash Day 4 August 27
Grove Dash Day 5 August 28
Grove Dash Day 6 August 29
Grove Dash Day 7 August 30
Genshin - Braving the ElementsBraving the Elements Wonderful Fungi August 24
Thieves and Sellswords August 27
Wyrmrest Forest August 30
That's All, Folks September 02

Snapshots Event Guide

How to Play Snapshots

Genshin - How to Play Snapshots

  1. Head to the marked areas in Sumeru.
  2. Equip the Exquisite Kamera to scan the photo target.
  3. When using the limited-time Kamera, note that if the photo targets are worth keeping record of view, it will display information related to them.
  4. Grab pictures of the designated photo targets.

Snapshots Event Stages

Snapshots Stages and Themes
Genshin - Snapshots Stage 1:

Rainforest Creature
Genshin - Snapshots Stage 2:

Tri-Lakshana Creatures
Genshin - Snapshots Stage 3:

Animal Behavior
Genshin - Snapshots Stage 4:


Behemoth Observation Guide

How to Play Behemoth Observation

Behemoth Observation Guides
Genshin Impact - Behemoth Observation Electro Regisvine GuideElectro Regisvine Genshin Impact - Behemoth Observation Jadeplume Terrorshroom Guide.png Jadeplume Terrorshroom

Defeat the Electro Regisvine and the Jadeplume Terrorshroom bosses to accomplish objectives and get rewards!

Grove Dash Guide

Grove Dash Overview

Genshin - How to Play Grove Dash

  1. Get all Adventure Coins within the time limit.
  2. Use the Four-Leaf Sigil and the Bouncy Mushrooms to finish the challenges fast.
  3. Avoid Obstacles like Dusty Balloons.
  4. Get the all coins using the Blessings of Attraction.
  5. Score 3000 Points Each Challenge. Grove Dash Challenge Guides

All Grove Dash Stages

All Grove Dash Stages
Genshin - Grove DashDay 1 Genshin - Grove DashDay 2 Genshin - Grove DashDay 3 Genshin - Grove DashDay 4
Genshin - Grove DashDay 5 Genshin - Grove DashDay 6 Genshin - Grove DashDay 7

Braving the Elements Guide

How to Play Braving the Elements

Genshin - How to Play Braving the Elements

  1. Head to marked areas where there are various enemies.
  2. There are five enemy camps you need to beat. After you beat the first one, the next location will appear on the map. Use the Navigate Button to locate each one quickly.
  3. Use Dendro-related reactions like Quicken, Bloom, Burning, Burgeon, Hyperbloom, Aggravate, and Spread against the enemies.
  4. Once the Dendro reactions have been triggered, a shockwave will unleash, dealing True DMG.
  5. Get all rewards from the events' menu after all enemies camps have been defeat.

All Braving the Elements Stages

Snapshots Stages and Themes
Genshin - Braving the Elements Stage 1: The Wonderful Fungi of Teyvat Genshin - Braving the Elements Stage 2: Thieves and Sellswords
Genshin - Braving the Elements Stage 3: Wyrmrest Forest Genshin - Braving the Elements Stage 4: That's All, Folks

Roaming the Jungle Rewards

Roaming the Jungle Total Rewards

All Grove Dash Challenge Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Icon Primogem x720 Genshin - Mora Icon Mora x1,180,000 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x50
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x4,700 Genshin -  Whimsical Notes Whimsical Draft x2,400 Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Icon Mystic Enhancement Ore x44
Genshin - Talent Book MaterialsSumeru Talent-Up Materials x24

Rewards Breakdown Per Event

Event Total Rewards
Genshin -  Whimsical Notes Whimsical Draft x2400
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x240,000
Behemoth Observation
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x800
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x160,000
Grove Dash
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x1,400
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x280,000
Braving the Elements
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x2,500
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x500,000

The rewards here show only the thirds days for all events except for Grove Dash that shows until the last day here. We'll update this section once the event updates again!

Roaming the Jungle Information

Part of the Graven Innocence Event

Genshin - Graven Innocence 3.0 Main Event
Roaming the Jungle is a Sub Event or a section in the Graven Innocence Event where all the mini-games and challenges are grouped together. There are four parts to Roaming the Jungle: Snapshots, Behemoth Observation, Grove Dash, and Braving the Elements!

Graven Innocence Event Guide

How to Unlock Roaming the Jungle

Genshin - The Unappreciated Carving Quest Guide
To unlock Roaming the Jungle, you need to complete the first event quest for Graven Innocence, The Unappreciated Carving! This is also the quest that will give you the Exquisite Kamera as a reward.

The Unappreciated Carving Quest Guide

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Graven Innocence Event Guide
Graven Innocence Event Guide

Graven Innocence Stage Guides

Graven Innocence Event Guides
Genshin - Meticulous Craftsmanship Meticulous Craftsmanship Genshin - Roaming the Jungle Roaming the Jungle Genshin - Metamorphosis of Wood Metamorphosis of Wood

Roaming the Jungle Guides

All Snapshots Guides
Genshin - SnapshotsDay 1 - Rainforest Creature Genshin - SnapshotsDay 2 - Tri-Lakshana Creatures
Genshin - SnapshotsDay 3 - Animal Behavior Genshin - SnapshotsDay 4 - Vanarana
Behemoth Observation Guides
Genshin - Behemoth Observation 1 - Electro RegisvineBehemoth Obversation: Electro Regisvine Genshin - Behemoth Observation 2 - Jadeplume TerrorshroomBehemoth Observation: Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Braving the Elements Guides
Genshin - Braving the ElementsStage 1: The Wonderful Fungi of Teyvat Genshin - Braving the ElementsStage 2: Theives & Sellswords
Genshin - Braving the ElementsStage 3: Wyrmrest Forest Genshin - Braving the ElementsStage 4: That's All, Folks
Grove Dash Race Guides
Genshin - Grove DashGrove Dash All Guides Genshin - Grove DashDay 1: Over the Broken Bridge
Genshin - Grove DashDay 2: Down the Lone Path Genshin - Grove DashDay 3: Landing Magpie Guide
Genshin - Grove DashDay 4: Leaping Tiger Genshin - Grove DashDay 5: Against the Flow
Genshin - Grove DashDay 6: Tranquil Ruins Genshin - Grove DashDay 7: A Drifting Leaf

Meticulous Craftsmanship Quest Guides

Meticulous Craftsmanship Quests
Genshin - The Unappreciated Carving Quest GuideUnappreciated Carving Genshin - Selling Like Hot CarvingsSelling Like Hot Carvings

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events
List of Events

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