Genshin Impact

Metamorphosis of Wood Guide | How to Assemble Aranara Carvings

Genshi Impact - Metamorphosis of Wood Event Guide for Graven Innocence
The Metamorphosis of Wood is a Woodcarving Event within Genshin Impact's Graven Innocence Event. See how to play Metamorphosis of Wood, how to assemble Aranara Carvings, a list of all Carving Components, and all the event rewards here!

Graven Innocence Event Guides
Genshin - Meticulous Craftsmanship Meticulous Craftsmanship Genshin - Roaming the Jungle Roaming the Jungle Genshin - Metamorphosis of Wood Metamorphosis of Wood

Metamorphosis of Wood Guide

How to Play Metamorphosis of Wood

How to Play the Aranara Carving Event
1 Finish the Unlock Quest to Play.
2 Complete Snapshots Challenges!
3 Buy Carving Components from Fayez or the Event Menu.
4 Create Four Carvings for Rewards.
5 Keep Assembling in the Teapot!

Complete the Unlock Quest

Genshin - The Unappreciated Carving Quest Guide
To unlock the Metamorphosis of Wood, you need to complete The Unappreciated Carving Event Quest! This introduces you to the event's story.

The Unappreciated Carving Quest Guide

Play the Snapshots Challenges

Genshin - Get Snapshots of Sumeru
You need to complete the Snapshots Challenges first before assembling any components! The Snapshots Challenge within the Roaming the Jungle Event is the only stage that rewards Whimsical Drafts. Whimsical Drafts are the currency you need to buy components.

Buy Carving Components

Genshin - Complete the Unlock Quest
After completing the Snapshots event, you now have Whimsical Drafts to buy Carving Components! You can head back to Port Ormos to talk to Fayez to access it. You can also buy from the Events Menu via the Event Shop button!

Complete the Objectives to Get Rewards

Genshin - 1 Complete the Objectives to Get Rewards
Once you have the components, you can start assembling them into Aranara Carvings! You need to assemble four Aranara Carvings to get the rewards.

Get the Woodland Stand for the Teapot

One of the rewards is a Woodland Stand Furnishing, which allows you to keep assembling Aranara Carvings in the comforts of your own Serenitea Pot!
Serenitea Pot Guide

How to Craft Aranara Carvings

How to Assemble Carving Components

  1. Head to Port Ormos and Assemble Components on the Stand!
  2. Add in the Torso Carving Component First.
  3. Select a Head Carving Component.
  4. Add the Eyes, Hat, and Cape.
  5. Press on the Save Button Once Done!

Aranara Carving Stand Positions

Genshin - Aranara Carving Stand Positions
To complete the challenge for the Metamorphosis of Wood, you need to head back to Port Ormos and assemble the carving components on the stand right next to Fayez.

You can have up to six Aranara Carvings there. Press the part of the stand you want your newest creation to be to start assembling!

Limit Gradually Increases

Once you have an Aranara Carving in position in the Port Ormos Stand, you won't be able to add more until the next phase of the event! Once all event phases are done, you can add as many as you want on the stand.

Select a Torso to Place First

Genshin - Select a Torso to Place First
You need to pick a torso to place in the stand first before adding anything else, otherwise, you won't be able to add the other parts!

Add the Head Next

Genshin - Add the Head Next
Like the torso, the head is another prerequisite you cannot skip! The head always comes after the torso.

Decorate with Eyes, Hat, and Cape

Genshin - Decorate with Eyes, Hat, and Cape
To complete the look, you need to select the eyes, the hat, and of course the cape! These can be selected without a specific order. After that, you can press save, and you're done with the challenge!

List of Carving Components

Top Seller's Rewards Event Shop

List of All Torso Carving Components

All Torso Carving Components
Genshin - Wooden Torso-SwaggerWooden Torso: Swagger Genshin - Wooden Torso-Cozy RestWooden Torso: Cozy Rest Genshin - Wooden Torso-TigerWooden Torso: Tiger's Roar Genshin - Wooden Torso-Wise ElderWooden Torso: Wise Elder
Genshin - Pink Torso-SwaggerPink Torso: Swagger Genshin - Pink Torso-Cozy RestPink Torso: Cozy Rest Genshin - Pink Torso-TigerPink Torso: Tiger's Roar Genshin - Pink Torso-Wise ElderPink Torso: Wise Elder
Genshin - Blue Torso-SwaggerBlue Torso: Swagger Genshin - Blue Torso-Cozy RestBlue Torso: Cozy Rest Genshin - Blue Torso-TigerBlue Torso: Tiger's Roar Genshin - Blue Torso-Wise ElderBlue Torso: Wise Elder
Cost of Each
Genshin -  Whimsical Draft Whimsical Draft x100

List of All Head Carving Components

All Head Carving Components
Genshin - Wooden Head-Ho HoWooden Head: Ho Ho Genshin - Wooden Head-HeheWooden Head: Hehe Genshin - Wooden Head-HmphWooden Head: Hmph Genshin - Wooden Head-BoohooWooden Head: Boohoo
Genshin - Pink Head-Ho HoPink Head: Ho Ho Genshin - Pink Head-HehePink Head: Hehe Genshin - Pink Head-HmphPink Head: Hmph Genshin - Pink Head-BoohooPink Head: Boohoo
Genshin - Blue Head-Ho HoBlue Head: Ho Ho Genshin - Blue Head-HeheBlue Head: Hehe Genshin - Blue Head-HmphBlue Head: Hmph Genshin - Blue Head-BoohooBlue Head: Boohoo
Cost of Each
Genshin -  Whimsical Draft Whimsical Draft x60

List of Eye Carving Components

All Eyes Carving Components
Genshin - Wood-Carved Eyes-IWood-Carved Eyes: I'm All Ears Genshin - Wood-Carved Eyes-How May I Help YouWood-Carved Eyes: How May I Help You
Genshin - Wood-Carved Eyes-Say That Again, I Dare YouWood-Carved Eyes: Say That Again, I Dare You Genshin - Wood-Carved Eyes-I DonWood-Carved Eyes: I Don't Get It
Cost of Each
Genshin -  Whimsical Draft Whimsical Draft x40

List of Hat Carving Components

All Hat Carving Components
Genshin - Wood-Carved Hat-MerchantWood-Carved Hat: Merchant Genshin - Wood-Carved Hat-Forest DwellersWood-Carved Hat:Forest Dwellers Genshin - Wood-Carved Hat-SlackerWood-Carved Hat: Slacker
Genshin - Wood-Carved Hat-FarewellerWood-Carved Hat: Fareweller Genshin - Wood-Carved Hat-DivinerWood-Carved Hat: Diviner -
Cost of Each
Genshin -  Whimsical Draft Whimsical Draft x40

List of Cape Carving Components

All Cape Carving Components
Genshin - Wood-Carved Cape-Forest GuardianWood-Carved Cape: Forest Guardian Genshin - Wood-Carved Cape-SingerWood-Carved Cape: Singer Genshin - Wood-Carved Cape-PolymathWood-Carved Cape: Polymath
Cost of Each
Genshin -  Whimsical Draft Whimsical Draft x40

Metamorphosis of Wood Rewards

Aranara Carving Event Rewards

Woodcarving Objectives Rewards
Assemble 1 complete Aranara Carving.
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x200
Assemble 2 complete Aranara Carvings.
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x200
Assemble 3 complete Aranara Carvings.
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x200
Assemble 4 complete Aranara Carvings.
Genshin -  Creative Note Creative Note x200
Genshin - Woodland Stand Furnishing Woodland Stand Furnishing

Metamorphosis of Wood Information

Part of the Graven Innocence Event

Genshin - Graven Innocence 3.0 Main Event
Metamorphosis of Wood is a Sub Event under the Graven Innocence Event. This is the final part of the event, where you can use the Whimsical Drafts you collected to buy Carving Components. Assemble the components to craft an Aranara Carving!

Graven Innocence Event Guide

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

Didn't know what the thing was about ended up only buying head and torso guess I can no longer get the rewards.

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