Genshin Impact

Shenhe Banner Rerun Dates and 4-Star Characters

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◆ Latest: Version 5.4, 5.4 Codes, Travelers' Tales
◆ Builds: Mizuki, Sigewinne, Furina, Wriothesley
◆ 5.4: Sunny Morning Sleep-In, Tamayuratei Weapon
◆ Events: Realm of Tempered Valor, Fish Wrangler
◆ Coming Soon: Version 5.5, Varesa, Iansan

Genshin Impact - The Transcendent One Returns Gacha and Wish Guide

Shenhe's banner is called “The Transcendent One Returns” in Genshin Impact. Learn The Transcendent One Returns' featured characters, character and weapon drop rates, banner dates and time, and whether or not Shenhe's Banner is worth pulling on!

Shenhe Banner Rerun Release Date

Banner Dates for Shenhe's Rerun

Genshin Impact - Phase 2 Version 3.5

Banner Start March 21, 2023
Banner End April 11, 2023

Simultaneous Run with Ayaka's Rerun

Shenhe's rerun was on March 21, 2023 and ended on April 11, 2023. Her banner was alongside Ayaka's and featuring the newest 4-star Cryo character Mika.
3.5 Livestream Summary

Which 3.5 Banner Are You Pulling On?

Shopping with Dehya! 550
Playing TCG with Cyno! 351
Sparring with Ayaka! 3179
Training with Shenhe! 2192
Surveying the area with Mika! 338
Waiting for other characters! 903

Shenhe Banner Countdown

Banner has ended...

Banner Start and End Date for All Servers

Server Date and Timezone
America (GMT-5) March 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM
April 11, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Europe (GMT+1) March 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM
April 11, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Asia (GMT+8) March 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM
April 11, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Information on Shenhe's Banner

Shenhe Banner Wish Simulator

Shenhe Gacha Rates

Rarity Pull Rate
5★ Character: 0.6%
Guaranteed after 90 total pulls
4★ Character: Roughly 3.3%
Weapon: 1.77%
Guaranteed after 10 total pulls
3★ Weapon: 94.3%

Wish System Type Summary Explanation
Genshin - Pity System GuidePity System Every type of Wish Banners have their own Wish Counter.
The 10th and 90th wish guarantee only applies if you haven't gotten a 4-star or 5-star wish before reaching the respective required number.
Genshin - Event Wish-2 GuideEvent Wish-2 System Two Character Event Wish banners are available at the same time and share one Wish Counter.
Wishes carry over to the next set of Promotional Character banner.

Is Shenhe's Banner Worth It?

Should You Pull on Shenhe's Banner?

Rating ★★★★★
5★ Genshin - Shenhe Icon Shenhe
4★ Genshin - Mika Icon Mika Genshin - Sucrose Icon Sucrose Genshin - Diona Icon Diona

Shenhe hasn't been in a banner in a long time, and might not return for some time too. It's a good chance for you to get her as well as the new 4-star character Mika, who is coincidentally also a support!

Best Team Comps

Shenhe Banner Characters

★5 Character Drops in Shenhe's Banner

The Transcendent One Returns Wish banner includes all standard 5-star and 4-star characters. You cannot get any 5-star event characters from Shenhe's banner other than Shenhe.

5-Star Guarantee on Shenhe's Banner

There is a 50% chance to pull the featured 5-star character on your first 5-star pull. If you get a different 5-star on The Heron's Court banner during this dual banner event, you can come back to this banner and get a guaranteed copy of Shenhe!

All 5-Star Character Drops

List of All 5-Star Characters

★4 Character Drops in Shenhe's Banner

The first time you pull a 4-star on the The Transcendent One Returns banner, there is a 50% chance it will be one of the featured 4-star characters. If your first 4-star pull is not one of the featured characters, your next pull is guaranteed to be one of the featured characters.

All 4-Star Character Drops
Yun JinYun Jin

List of All 4-Star Characters

List of Weapons in Shenhe's Banner

★5 Weapon Drops in Shenhe's Banner

There are no 5-star weapons available in Shenhe's Banner. Check out our list of 5-star weapons to see how to get them!

List of 5-Star Weapons

★4 Weapon Drops in Shenhe's Banner

All ★4 Weapon Drops
Sacrificial Sword ImageSacrificial Sword
Rust ImageRust
Sacrificial Bow ImageSacrificial Bow
The Stringless ImageThe Stringless
Favonius Warbow ImageFavonius Warbow
Eye of Perception ImageEye of Perception
Sacrificial Fragments ImageSacrificial Fragments
The Widsith ImageThe Widsith
Favonius Codex ImageFavonius Codex
Favonius Lance ImageFavonius Lance
DragonDragon's Bane
Rainslasher ImageRainslasher
Sacrificial Greatsword ImageSacrificial Greatsword
The Bell ImageThe Bell
Favonius Greatsword ImageFavonius Greatsword
LionLion's Roar
The Flute ImageThe Flute
Favonius Sword ImageFavonius Sword

List of 4-Star Weapons

★3 Weapon Drops in Shenhe's Banner

All ★3 Weapon Drops
Cool Steel ImageCool Steel
Slingshot ImageSlingshot
SharpshooterSharpshooter's Oath
Raven Bow ImageRaven Bow
Emerald Orb ImageEmerald Orb
Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers ImageThrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers
Magic Guide ImageMagic Guide
Black Tassel ImageBlack Tassel
Debate Club ImageDebate Club
Bloodtainted Greatsword ImageBloodtainted Greatsword
Ferrous Shadow ImageFerrous Shadow
Skyrider Sword ImageSkyrider Sword
Harbinger of Dawn ImageHarbinger of Dawn

List of 3-Star Weapons

Past Shenhe Banner History and Reruns

Version 2.4 Shenhe Banner

Genshin - Transcendent One Returns 2.4
Rerun Period 2022/01/05 - 2022/01/25
5★ Genshin - Shenhe Icon Shenhe
4★ Genshin - Ningguang Icon Ningguang Genshin - Chongyun Icon Chongyun Genshin - Yun Jin Icon Yun Jin

All Genshin Impact Wish Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Gacha

All Gacha (Wish) Guides

List of Gacha (Wish) Guides

Genshin Impact - Gacha Drop Rates and In-App PurchasesGacha Rates and In-App Purchases Genshin Impact - Best Wishes to PullBest Current Wishes to Pull
Pity_BannerPity System Guide Genshin Impact - Epitomized Path - Weapon Wish MechanicEpitomized Path
Genshin - Chronicled WishChronicled Wish Genshin - Capturing Radiance - Chance to Win 50-50Capturing Radiance

List of Current Gachas

All Current Wishes
Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation GachaEpitome Invocation Genshin Impact - Starry NightStarry Night's Whispers
Genshin Impact - Ancient Flame Ablaze GachaAncient Flame Ablaze Genshin Impact - Remembrance of Jade and Stone GachaRemembrance of Jade and Stone
Genshin Impact - BeginnerBeginner's Wish Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation GachaWanderlust Invocation


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