Genshin Impact

Mimi Tomo Event Guide | Unusual Hilichurl Event

Genshin Impact - Mimi Tomo Event Guide - Unusual Hilichurl Event
Mimi Tomo is an Unusual Hilichurl event in Genshin Impact. Learn how to play Mimi Tomo, all Hilichurl locations, Hilichurl commission walkthroughs, Hilichurlian translations, and event rewards in this guide!

Mimi Tomo Event Guides
Genshin - Sighting Locations in Mimi TomoEvent Walkthroughs Genshin - Hilichurlian Translations in Mimi TomoHilichurl Translations

Mimi Tomo Event Information

Genshin - Mimi Tomo Event

Unusual Hilichurl Event Details

Event Start 2021/05/27 10:00
Event End 2021/06/08 3:59
How to Unlock Reach Adventure Rank 20+
Complete Mimi Tomo Quest
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Genshin Impact - Mora Image Genshin Impact - Hero

+ Furnishing Blueprints

How to Unlock Mimi Tomo

Genshin - Mimi Tomo Quest

Complete ''Mimi Tomo'' World Quest

The Mimi Tomo world quest will only be available for players with an Adventure Rank 20 or above. Complete the Mimi Tomo quest to begin hunting the Unusual Hilichurl down!

Mimi Tomo Quest Walkthrough

Mimi Tomo Sighting Walkthroughs

All Mimi Tomo Sightings

Click to jump to a section!
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Day 1 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 12:00 AM (In-Game Midnight)
Location Windrise, Mondstadt

Day 1 Sighting Commissions

Day 1 Commission Walkthroughs
Mutual Exchange Hilichurl Justice

Day 2 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 1:00~5:00 PM (In-Game Afternoon)
Location North of Liyue Harbor, Liyue

Day 2 Sighting Commissions

Day 2 Commission Walkthroughs
Hilichurl Justice #1 Hilichurl Justice #2

Day 3 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 12:00 AM (In-Game Midnight)
Location Stormbearer Mountains, Mondstadt

Day 3 Sighting Commissions

Day 3 Commission Walkthroughs
Hilichurl Justice Mutual Exchange

Day 4 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (In-Game Afternoon)
Location Stone Gate, Liyue

Day 4 Sighting Commissions

Day 4 Commission Walkthroughs
Mutual Exchange #1 Mutual Exchange #2

Day 5 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 5:00 PM ~12:00 AM (In-Game Evening)
Location Tianqiu Valley, Liyue

Day 5 Sighting Commissions

Day 5 Commission Walkthroughs
Hilichurl Justice Mutual Exchange

Day 6 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 1:00~5:00 PM (In-Game Afternoon)
Location Cape Oath, Mondstadt

Day 6 Sighting Commissions

Day 6 Commission Walkthroughs
Mutual Exchange Hilichurl Justice

Day 7 Sighting Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Friendly Hilichurl Locations

Commission 1 Hilichurl

Commission 2 Hilichurl

Unusual Hilichurl Location

Unusual Hillichurl Location & Spawn Time
Time 6:00 AM~12:00 PM (In-Game Morning)
Location Cuijue Slope, Liyue

Day 7 Sighting Commissions

Day 7 Commission Walkthroughs
Mutual Exchange Hilichurl Justice

View All Sighting Walkthroughs

How to Play Mimi Tomo

Mimi Tomo Event Guide

1 Go to Unusual Hilichurl Sighting Locations.
2 Find friendly Hilichurls to talk to.
3 Complete Hilichurls' commissions for clues.
4 Use clues to find the Unusual Hilichurl.
5 Defeat the Unusual Hilichurl at the location.

Go to Sighting Locations

Genshin - Unusual Hilichurl Sighting Locations

Mimi Tomo Event Stages

Open the Mimi Tomo event page to see Unusual Hilichurl sighting locations. There are a total of 7 Sighting Locations for all of Mimi Tomo, and one Sighting is unlocked every day of the event.

Note that you can only proceed to the next Sighting Location after you've investigated the previous location and defeated its Unusual Hilichurl!

Talk to Hilichurls for Commissions

Genshin - Complete Hilichurl Commissions
Look for non-hostile Hilichurls who are willing to speak in Sighting Locations. These friendly Hilichurls will ask you to complete a commission for them, but will be speaking in Hilichurlian! Use your trusty Hilichurlian Handbook to decipher their commission.
Mimi Tomo Commission Walkthroughs

Translate Unusual Hilichurl Clues

Genshin - Mimi Tomo Clues
Complete Hilichurl commissions and return to them for clues. The clues they give you will have the Unusual Hilichurl's location and Hilichurlian time. Use your Hilichurlian Handbook again to know the Unusual Hilichurl's whereabouts!

Defeat the Unusual Hilichurl

Genshin - 1.5 Mimi Tomo Defeat the Unusual Hilichurl
Once you have the Unusual Hilichurl's time and location, it's time to find and defeat him! Go to the marked location and adjust your in-game time before looking for the Unusual Hilichurl in the area.

How to adjust in-game time

Open your game menu and select the little clock icon. The grey dots mark each hour in a day, and there will be 4 icons that indicate sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight. Move the clock hands to the desired hour to adjust time in Genshin Impact.

Play Mimi Tomo in Co-Op

You can investigate Sighting Locations in co-op mode as well! However, only the host can carry out the event investigation. Browse our co-op boards and look for a detective buddy for Mimi Tomo:

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Mimi Tomo Translations

Genshin - Hilichurl Language Translation

Translations used in Mimi Tomo

Below is a list of Hilichurlian translations used in the Mimi Tomo event. The sections are divided into Commission clues and Unusual Hilichurl location clues!
All Hilichurlian Translations

Mimi Tomo Commission Clues Translation

Hilichurlian Translation
Mita Meat, delicious foods, Liked items.
In movo lata mita
Mita in movo lata
Mita movo lata
Refers to ''meat in the water,'' or Fish Meat.
Celi lata Fireflies, stars, or the moon
Gusha celi boya Red Vegetable, Grass, or Fruit
Lata Boya sada Something Blue and Solid or Hard.
Kucha gusha Small seed.
Upano Describes the upper direction, height or flight.
It can indicate flying insects, birds, clouds, patrolling knights, something or someone sent flying.
Gusha unu boya Yellow fruit, vegetable, grasses.

Mimi Tomo Unusual Hilichurl Clues Translation

Hilichurlian Translation
Unta Nunu Late night (midnight).
Unta Mosi Dada The wonderful time from lunch just 'til before sunset (afternoon)
Mosi Aba Nunu from after sunset until late night (evening)
Aba mosi dada from after sunset until late night (morning)

Mimi Tomo World Quests

Mimi Tomo Unlock Quest

Genshin - Mimi Tomo Quest
To unlock the Mimi Tomo event, you must first complete its title quest: ''Mimi Tomo.'' Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt to begin the quest!

Mimi Tomo Quest Details

Quest Type World Quest
Location Mondstadt, Mondstadt
Required AR 20
Quest Giver Katheryne

Mimi Tomo Walkthrough

1 Genshin - Mimi Tomo Quest
Go to the Adventurers' Guild booth in Mondstadt and talk to Katheryne.
Teleport to the Statue of the Seven in Windrise and proceed to the marked location.
Rescue Ella Musk by defeating the Hilichurls. Talk to her afterwards to complete the quest!

Mimi Tomo Rewards

Genshin Impact - Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian Image Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian ×1 Genshin Impact - Adventurer Adventurer's Experience ×4 Genshin Impact - Mora Image Mora ×10000

The Lost Hilichurl Quest

Genshin - Talk to Ella Musk
The Lost Hilichurl is a closing quest to the Mimi Tomo event, and should unlock automatically once the event ends. If you participated in the event, the quest will appear even if you didn't complete all Unusual Hilichurl sightings.
The Lost Hilichurl Walkthrough

Mimi Tomo Event Rewards

All Mimi Tomo Rewards

Mimi Tomo Event Rewards
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image Genshin Impact - Mora Image Genshin Impact - Hero  + Furnishing Blueprints x7

Mimi Tomo Furniture Rewards

Genshin - Mimi Tomo Furnishing
There are 7 Furnishing Blueprint rewards and 7 Sighting Locations. One Furnishing Blueprint will be given after investigating a Sighting Location succesfully. Complete all Mimi Tomo levels to get these Furnishing Blueprints on top of other rewards!

Mimi Tomo Furnishing Blueprints

All Furnishing Blueprint Rewards
Genshin Impact - Embroidered Lantern: Lofty Grandeur ImageEmbroidered Lantern: Lofty Grandeur Genshin Impact - Embroidered Curtains ImageEmbroidered Curtains Genshin Impact - Floral Screen: Jade and Gold ImageFloral Screen: Jade and Gold
Genshin Impact - Thundering Heavens Drum ImageThundering Heavens Drum Genshin Impact - Lantern-Lit Stage: Crescendo ImageLantern-Lit Stage: Crescendo Genshin Impact - Silk Curtains: Fetching the Sanguine Sky ImageSilk Curtains: Fetching the Sanguine Sky
Genshin Impact - Tasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets ImageTasseled Lantern: Deck the Streets - -

List of Housing System Furnishings

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