Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Genshin Impact 3.4 Banners and Release DateComment

Showing 1-11 of 11 entries


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    3 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I love your website!

    2 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    It all depends what characters you own/ use, and if you have nahida or not- coz to be honest if you have nahida already you can skip Alhaitham if you're aiming for him to have some additional dendro character.

    1 BrollyLSSJabout 2 yearsReport

    I got both Yelan and Hu Tao at C0, but I am missing both Alhaitham and Xiao. I use Hu Tao sometimes, haven't leveled Yelan at all yet. With that in mind am I correct it is better to pull for Xiao or Alhaitham? Or should I consider Hu Tao? I do not do Abyss (stuck at 6-something) and I don't do Co-Op stuff, so I am PvE only (Single Player).

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