Genshin Impact

All TCG Player Locations in Liyue

Genshin Impact - Player Locations in Liyue
There are 18 Player Locations in Liyue Harbor for Genshin Impact's Genius Invokation TCG. See a map of all Player Locations found in Liyue and how to unlock Liyue Open World Matches in this Duel Invokation guide!

Player Locations in Liyue

All Open World Matches in Liyue

Liyue Harbor Qingce Village & Wangshu Inn

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Player Locations in Liyue Harbor

Player Guides Location
1 Genshin Impact - Iron Tongue Tian ImageIron Tongue Tian
Adventure Challenge & Duel

At the Third Round Knockout in Liyue's Downtown.
2 Genshin Impact - Lan ImageLan
Adventure Challenge

Beside the Bulletin Board at the Liyue Adventurers' Guild.
3 Genshin Impact - Tea Master Liu Su ImageTea Master Liu Su
Adventure Challenge

On the stage by the Heyu Tea House, near Northland Bank.
4 Genshin Impact - BuBu'yun
Adventure Challenge & Duel

At the highest point of Yujing Terrace, by the elevator that led to the Jade Chamber.
5 Genshin Impact - Chef Mao ImageChef Mao
Adventure Challenge

At the Wanmin Restaurant in Liyue Harbor.
6 Genshin Impact - Shitou ImageShitou
Adventure Challenge & Duel

In front of Shitou's stall in Liyue Harbor's downtown.
7 Genshin Impact - Uncle Tian ImageUncle Tian
Adventure Challenge

At the Southern Docks in Liyue Harbor.
8 Genshin Impact - Jifang ImageJifang
Adventure Challenge

At the Wanwen Bookhouse in Liyue Harbor.

Player Locations in Qingce Village

Player Guides Location
9 Genshin Impact - Granny Ruoxin ImageGranny Ruoxin
Adventure Challenge

At her house in Qingce Village.
10 Genshin Impact - Ms. Bai ImageMs. Bai
Adventure Challenge

Standing by the windmill in Qingce Village.
11 Genshin Impact - Dongdong ImageDongdong
Adventure Challenge

Standing by an outdoor table.
12 Genshin Impact - Master Lu ImageMaster Lu
Adventure Challenge

At his workshop in Qingce Village.
13 Genshin Impact - Little Liu ImageLittle Liu
At her house couple of steps away from Master Lu.

Player Locations in Wangshu Inn

Player Guides Location
14 Genshin Impact - Qingzhou ImageQingzhou
Adventure Challenge

Just outside the Wangshu Inn, nearby Huangshan.
15 Genshin Impact - Huangshan ImageHuangshan

Sitting on a chair nearby Madame Qin outside Wangshu Inn.
16 Genshin Impact - Verr Goldet ImageVerr Goldet
Adventure Challenge

At her usual place behind the reception table of the inn.
17 Genshin Impact - HuaiHuai'an
Adventure Challenge

Pacing back and forth on the same level as Verr Goldet's.
18 Genshin Impact - Landa ImageLanda
Adventure Challenge

Standing by the railing nearby Huai'an.

Open World Match Information

How to Unlock Open World Matches in Liyue

Genshin - Increasing Player Level
Open World Matches in Liyue are locked behind Player Levels 3 and 4. To unlock Player Level 3 and 4, you must first complete the Ascension Challenge and raise your Player Level.

How to Increase Player Level

What are Open World Matches?

Genshin - Casket of Tomes - Use to Locate Matches
Open World Matches are Genius Invokation TCG challenges that can be found in the different regions of Teyvat. You can challenge various NPCs to earn Lucky Coins, Player EXP, and certain Cards!

You can use the Casket of Tomes to locate these Character Players on the map.

Open World Match Guide

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Other Duel Type and Location Guides

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Genius Invokation Gameplay Guide

Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation Guides Slim
Genius Invokation TCG Guide

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