Genshin Impact

Lost Riches Day 6 Guide for Treasure Area Locations

Genshin - Lost Riches 3.0 Day 6 Treasure Area Guide
Day 6 Treasure Area guide for the Lost Riches event in Genshin Impact 3.0. See all treasure locations, energy emissions, hunting challenges, and exquisite chest rewards for Day 6 of Lost Riches 3.0 in our guide!

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Lost Riches Day 6 Treasure Locations

Treasure Locations

Location Apam Woods, Sumeru
Objective Obtain 3 Treasures

How to Get All Energy Emissions

Energy Emission 1 - In the Air

The first Energy Emission is above a Bouncy Mushroom and close to a Four-Leaf Sigil. From the Teleport Waypoint, you can glide towards the Four-Leaf Sigil until you're close enough to activate it!

Energy Emission 2 - In front of a Small House

This Energy Emission is right in front of a small, egg-shaped house with an Aranara inside.

Energy Emission 3 - By a Tree Root

The third Energy Emission will be by one of the large tree roots in the area, somewhere close to the second one!

Energy Emission 4 - On a Blue Flower

This Energy Emission is on top of a large blue flower. You can glide from a higher surface to reach this Energy Emission or use the Four-Leaf Sigil close by.

Energy Emission 5 - on a Stone Outcrop

The fifth Energy Emission is floating on a tall stone formation in the middle of the forest. You can get here using a Four-Leaf Sigil!

Energy Emission 6 - On a Tree Root

This Energy Emission is on a n overhanging Tree Root that you can glide down to from a higher surface or the Teleport Waypoint.

Energy Emission 7 - Inside a Ring of Mushrooms

The seventh Energy Emission is at the centre of three mushrooms that deal Dendro DMG when you get close. You can deactivate them using a ranged Pyro attack to avoid getting hurt while grabbing the Energy Emission!

Energy Emission 8 - On a Large Flower

The eighth Energy Emission is on a large flower closer to the forest floor in Apam Woods. You can glide down from a higher surface to get it.

Energy Emission 9 - By the Waterfall

The last Energy Emission is on top of a small waterfall closer to the forest floor, as well! This area is also under a large root and beside a Bouncy Mushroom.

Treasure Hunting Challenges

How to Collect Energy from Enemies

Avoid the Water in the Battle Challenge

One of the challenges will be set near the waterfalls in Apam Woods. It is a wetland with large patches of land around it. While you're doing that specific challenge, keep to the side to avoid being frozen by the Cryo Slimes!

Use Anemo to Gather Enemies

The shroom and slime enemies are susceptible to interruption via Anemo attacks. You can gather the enemies, then dish out damage through Dendro or Pyro reactions to defeat them in one go!

Possible Enemies in Battle Challenges

Possible Enemies in Battle Challenges
Genshin - Large Cryo Slime Image Large Cryo Slime Genshin - Large Electro Slime Image Large Electro Slime Genshin - Large Pyro Slime Image Large Pyro Slime
Genshin - Cryo Slime Image Cryo Slime Genshin - Dendro Specter Image Dendro Specter Genshin - Electro Specter Image Electro Specter

How to Collect Energy Particles

Use the Wind Currents and Four-Leaf Sigils

The Collection Challenge for Day 6 will have Energy Particles up in the air, in between Wind Currents and Anemo Rings. If you miss an Energy Particle, you can use the Four-Leaf Sigils to go back where you came from!

Day 6 Exquisite Chest Rewards

All Day 6 Lost Riches Rewards

Exquisite Chest Rewards for Day 6
Genshin - Ancient Iron Coins Ancient Iron Coins x90 Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x30 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x2
Genshin - Guide to Praxis Image Guide to Praxis x2 Genshin - Remnant Glow of Scorching Might Image Remnant Glow of Scorching Might x2

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