Genshin Impact

Lost Riches Day 1 Guide for Treasure Area Locations

Genshin Impact - Lost Riches Day 1 Guide for Treasure Area 1

Day 1 Treasure Area guide for the Lost Riches event in Genshin Impact 3.0. See all treasure locations, energy emissions, hunting challenges, and exquisite chest rewards for Day 1 of Lost Riches 3.0 in our guide!

Lost Riches Guides
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Lost Riches Day 1 Treasure Locations

Chatrakam Cave Treasure Locations

Location Chatrakam Cave, Sumeru
Objective Obtain 3 Treasures

How to Get All Energy Emissions

Energy Emission 1 - Above a Tree

The first energy emission is located above a tree near a Bouncy Mushroom! Use the bouncy mushroom to gain a little bit of height to smoothly glide towards the Energy Emission.

Energy Emission 2 - Near a Four-Leaf Sigil

The second energy emission is located near a locked ruin enemy. A four-leaf sigil will be above it, and you need to angle your camera to trigger it, then use it to quickly get to the energy emission!

Energy Emission 3 - At the Base of a Tree

The third one is at the base of a connected tree near a large plant!

Energy Emission 4 - Near a Bouncy Mushroom

It's located near a wetland, floating above a small boulder with a nearby Bouncy Mushroom.

Energy Emission 5 - Near a Plant

The fifth energy emission is on a plant near the wetlands. It's also near some Floating Hydro Fungi enemies there!

Energy Emission 6 - Near the Edge of a Cliff

The sixth energy emission is located on the edge of a cliff, you can use the nearby Bouncy Mushroom then turn it into an activated state with Electro to get to the energy emission fast!

Energy Emission 7 - Above a Bouncy Mushroom

It's located on the wetland, floating above the Bouncy Mushroom. You can use the bouncy mushroom to get it!

Energy Emission 8 - Floating Above the Waterfalls

The eighth energy emission is floating above the waterfalls. To get it, you need to use the four-leaf sigil to move in the air towards it!

Energy Emission 9 - Inside a Wind Barrier

The last energy emission is located inside a wind barrier. You need to use Electro on the Bouncy Mushroom nearby to get a boost, then glide inside the wind barrier.

Treasure Hunting Challenges

How to Collect Energy from Enemies

Defeat the Enemies with Dendro Reactions

You will be up against Shroom and Slime enemies, so it's best to use the Dendro Reactions to swiftly defeat them!

Use Anemo to Gather Enemies

The shroom and slime enemies are susceptible to interruption via Anemo attacks. You can gather the enemies, then dish out damage through Dendro reactions or other reactions to defeat them in one go!

Possible Enemies in Battle Challenges

Possible Enemies in Battle Challenges
Genshin - Whirling Electro Fungus Image Whirling Electro Fungus Genshin - Winged Cryoshroom Image Winged Cryoshroom Genshin - Large Cryo Slime Image Large Cryo Slime
Genshin - Hydro Slime Image Hydro Slime Genshin - Cryo Slime Image Cryo Slime Genshin - Large Electro Slime Image Large Electro Slime
Genshin - Electro Specter Image Electro Specter Genshin - Dendro Specter Image Dendro Specter

How to Collect Energy Particles

Energy Particle Locations
From the challenge starting point, turn your screen towards the left side, that's where the challenge is supposed to start.
Use the Bouncy Mushroom to get up the hill and get more energy particles.
Collect all energy particles on top of the hill.
Glide towards the large tree root below to get the rest of the particles!

Day 1 Exquisite Chest Rewards

All Day 1 Lost Riches Rewards

Exquisite Chest Rewards for Day 1
Genshin - Ancient Iron Coins Ancient Iron Coins x90 Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x30 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x2
Genshin - Guide to Admonition Image Guide to Admonition x2 Genshin - Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew Image Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew x2

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