Genshin Impact

Housing System Developers' Discussion | April 17, 2021

Genshin Impact - Version 1.5 Housing System Developers

Here you can find a summary of the information posted in the 1.5 Housing System Developers' Discussion for Genshin Impact. Read the Dev Notes to learn more about new housing feature, furniture, gardening, and plans for the Housing System in future releases.

Version 1.5 Update Summary

Update Version 1.5 Release Date

Genshin - Update 1.5 Release Date and Summary

Genshin Impact Version 1.5
Release Date April 28, 2021

Version 1.5 Release Date and Summary

1.5 Housing System Developers' Discussion Notes

Genshin - Developers Discussion

Following the 1.5 Special Program, miHoYo released an addition Dev Discussion focused purely on the new Housing Feature. Here are the subjects they touched on!

Developers' Discussion Overview

Click to Jump to a Section!
Genshin - Primogem bullet point How to get Furniture
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Furniture Customization
Genshin - Primogem bullet point How to Get Furniture Materials
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Gardening System
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Placing Characters in your Realm
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Furniture Interaction and HP Recovery
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Sending Furniture to Friends
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Sanctifying Essence and Sanctifying Unctions
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Transient Resin

How to Get Furniture and Furnishings

There are currently five known ways to get Furshings for your Serenitea Pot:

1 Craft with Materials
2 Buy from the Realm Depot (Tubby)
3 Buy from the Teapot Traveling Salesman (Chubby)
4 Visit other Players' Traveling Salesman
5 Get from Events

More than 200 Furnishings available in 1.5

Already starting version 1.5, there will be over 200 different decorations, furniture, and landscape items.

Furniture Customization

Already starting version 1.5, there will be over 200

A6: In the current version, there are already over 200 furnishings that you can place. In future versions, types and styles of furnishings will continue to be added. Paimon will pass on your request for custom furnishings to the dev Team!

How to Get Furniture Materials

To get the materials you need to craft furnishings, you can There are currently five known ways to get Furshings for your Serenitea Pot:

1 Cut down Trees
2 Collect Ores and other normal Items
3 Redeem with Realm Currency
4 Increase Trust Rank

Gardening System

Many players were asking if you can grow vegetables and flowers with the Housing System, but that feature is not ready yet and is planned to be released in the future.

While you can get points and currency you can exchange for items, you won't be able to grow Primogems, Mora, Resin, etc.

Can Your Characters be Placed in Your Realm?

Not in 1.5, but from version 1.6 you will be able to place the Characters you have in your Housing Realm.

Can You Use the Furniture and Recover HP?

No, and no. At this point, we won't be able to interact with the furniture, but they are working on adding that feature in future releases. From the way they worded their answer, however, HP Recovery will probably always be limited to the Statues.

Can You Send Furniture to Friends?

According to the notes, you will not be able send furnishings to friends, and they make no promises about the feature coming in the future. They do say that they will consider it though!

Sanctifying Essence and Unctions

The mysterious new items, Sanctifying Essence and Sanctifying Unctions, available from the Realm Depot, turns out to be items you can use to Enhance your Artifacts! This should make Artifact grinding a bit easier.

Genshin - Sanctifying Essence IconSanctifying Essence Guide Genshin - Sanctifying Unction IconSanctifying Unction Guide

Transient Resin

The Transient Resin that we all probably eyed hungrily during the Special Program was also mentioned in the Housing Dev notes, as being just like normal Resin but set to “decompose over time.” Most likely, this means you'll have a set amount of time to use them before they disappear!

Transient Resin Guide

Other 1.5 Information Sources

Update 1.5 Livestream Summary

Genshin Impact - 1.5 Livestream Summary

Learn more about all the new Update 1.5 information in our Livestream Summary!

Version 1.5 Livestream Summary

Redemption Codes and other bonuses

During the live broadcast, viewers received codes for redeeming bonuses in-game. Redeem codes usually give valuable prizes, such as Primogems and other nice in-game items.

View Guide on Redeem Codes

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