Genshin Impact

Update 1.5 Developers' Discussion

Genshin Impact - Update 1.5 Developers

This is a page for the Update 1.5 Developers' Discussion for Genshin Impact. Read the Developers' Notes summary and learn more about new features and upcoming changes in Update 1.5!

Version 1.5 Update Summary

Update Version 1.5 Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 1.5
Release Date April 28, 2021

Version 1.5 Release Date and Summary

Update 1.5 Developers' Discussion Notes

Genshin - Developers Discussion

The Developers' Discussion provides information on upcoming content and changes in Genshin Impact.

Developers' Discussion Overview

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Genshin - Primogem bullet point Weekly Boss Cost Adjustment
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Easier Aim for Bows on Mobile
Genshin - Primogem bullet point See Held Item Amount
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Lock / Save In-Game Mails
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Battle Voice Lines will be added to Profile > Voice-Over
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Confirm Friend Deletion
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Better Account Security
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Statue of the Seven Recovery Bug

Weekly Boss Cost Adjustment

There have been questions about lowering the costs of Weekly Bosses, as some players see it as being too high. The cost will be adjusted during the release of Update 1.5.

Easier Aim for Bows on Mobile

Aiming using the bow on mobile can be challenging, which is why MiHoYo will be making adjustments in Update 1.5 to make aiming easier:

Camera Sensitivity Update

Camera Sensitivity (Aimed Shot) will be updated by adding 3 more settings. Before, you could select 1 to 5, and after the update you can choose between 1 to 8, with 4 to 8 matching the old default aim settings.
Camera Speed

They are also adding a new setting called Camera Speed (Aimed Shot Mode). If you select “Increase Speed by Movement”, the camera will make larger movements if you make quicker slides with your fingers on the screen
UI Border Offset

To balance the difference in screen sizes, another feature called “UI Border Offset” will be added. You can use it to adjust the placement of the UI, making it easier to press buttons on your screen.

See Held Item Amount

In Version 1.5, clicking items in menus will show you how many of the item you currently have, indicated at the bottom of the menu.

Lock / Save In-Game Mails

1.5 will add a feature to favorite mails and have them display at the top of the email list. When mass-deleting emails, these emails will not be deleted. However, all mails, even favorited ones, can still expire. They will be introducing a mail saving system in a future update (post-1.5).

Battle Voice Lines will be added to Profile > Voice-Over

It can be hard to tell what your characters are saying in battle, and there is currently no way to listen to them in Version 1.4. From Version 1.5 onwards, they will be added to the Voice-Over menu under the characters’ profile.

Confirm Friend Deletion

In the current version, it can be easy to accidentally delete friends from your friend list. MiHoYo will be adding a pop-up confirmation to inform you before deleting someone in your friend list.

Better Account Security

MiHoYo will be testing stronger account security features from start May to end June. Providing no issues appear, they plan to implement better security features in future updates as well.

Statue of the Seven Recovery Bug

Sometimes a bug occurs where you only get healed a small amount by the Statues of the Seven. However, this bug has already been fixed, no need to wait for Version 1.5!

Other 1.5 Information Sources

Update 1.5 Livestream Summary

Genshin Impact - 1.5 Livestream Summary

Learn more about all the new Update 1.5 information in our Livestream Summary!

Version 1.5 Livestream Summary

Redemption Codes and other bonuses

During the live broadcast, viewers received codes for redeeming bonuses in-game. Redeem codes usually give valuable prizes, such as Primogems and other nice in-game items.

View Guide on Redeem Codes

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