Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    22 Anonymous3 monthsReport


    21 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    ive been trying to get crimson witches for the past week now and have like a dozen of this crap, istg theres no purpose of this thing

    20 EmZiki12 monthsReport

    Get ready for Natlan. This artifact will be valuable when you want to walk all the lava lands mark my word

    19 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    i'm convinced that this and thundersoother share no other purpose than to fuck people over when trying to get crimson witch and thundering fury sets

    9 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I love your website!

    8 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    No Lavawalker for Yoimiya?

    7 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    mono pyro yanfei when?

    6 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    The pain when you are trying for Witch's and get 5/6 Lava......

    5 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport


    4 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    so true 3 peepee

    3 peepeealmost 4 yearsReport

    fvck this artifact set

    2 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    No. 4 piece effect only amplifies damage of the wearer

    1 Wuzahhover 4 yearsReport

    Is lavawalker 4 set effect (35% resist down if affected by pyro) carried to other character.For example i build lavawalker on xiangling and pop up her ulti for pyro mark and switch to diluc and use his fire skill

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