Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Through the Looking Glass Quest GuideComment

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    6 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Nice you add a MAP for the 6 paintings! What do I even expect of such a bad guide page!

    5 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    They failed to mention that Frame with the Sunflower will only turn purple if you wait 4 in-game days!

    4 Anonymous12 monthsReport

    I needed these instuctions to begin the quest: Teleport to the Tower of Ipsissimus surface waypoint and dive in the water. Swim to the sunken tower and to the lowest floor (there should be Xenochromatic Hunter’s Ray and Meka swimming on this floor). Defeat the Meka here to unlock the treasure in the middle, and after that, there should be an Enter prompt.

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I had the same issue visited all 6 glasses multiple times. I got the pinkish ghost stuck in a place lit the fire and it moved through the last paint.

    2 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Every mirror room has little yellow ghost that needs to go through mirror. In one room there are two bonfires under sunflower mirror you have to fire up in order to make ghost move. Honestly I was close to reporting bug here because ghost is not moving an inch until you fire bonfires, looking like broken animation or piece of scenery.

    1 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I can’t seem to enter the looking glass with the flowers in the last 1, I can’t find what I’m missing

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