Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Trishiraite Locations and How to GetComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    The locations are not entirely correct. 22 should be directly on the far south-west cave entrance. Also, the cave map is not correct in this area. The cave entrance north of the far south-west entrance is not linked to the Iniquitous Baptist boss cave, but leading to the chanber directly north. The big cave under Tunigi Hollow is connected to the Iniquitous Baptist boss cave instead and leading from the boss cave east underneath the entrance tunnel of the other cave mentioned earlier.

    6 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Finally, Sethos uses these darn things. Glad I did not over collect these rocks...

    5 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    naive me : for sure future sumeru geo character will use this also me : hoping it can be turn into mystic enhancement crystal

    4 Random Catover 1 yearReport

    And maybe you should calm the F Down before running your mouth. Hoyo has done this before and its not a bad idea just a bit annoying when you don't know what the items are for. But complaining on a information site (for what sounds like no good reason to me) won't get your message to hoyoverse any faster. Eventually we'll see what these stupid rocks are used for.

    3 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    5 months later and still no one needs it. Maybe you should stop simping for Hoyoverse.

    2 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Literally no character right now or any upcoming character requires this item, get your information right before trashtalking. Its quite fair by mihoyo to release the material already, since none of the characters require it. So you have plenty of time to pre farm all of it before any character comes out that actually needs it. Please stop hating just to hate. Get rid of this bad habbit.

    1 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    The fact they're making local specialties you have to mine all the way in 3.6 just shows Hoyoverse doesn't listen to/care about players' time or feedback.

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