Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    9 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    how people underestimate furina wandere combo for this. this si literally tailor made for wanderer furina. why is no onewe talking about it

    8 Larry lopez4 monthsReport


    7 Eugene Krabs4 monthsReport

    With Furina out this weapon becomes viable for a lot of characters.

    6 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    unless you are actively tanking hits with barbara, idk how you are gonna constantly fluctuate your hp

    5 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    "At the moment, no other DPS catalyst user can actively manipulate their HP the way Wriothesley and Neuvillette can" Smh, how could they forget DPS Barbara?

    4 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    This seems like it would be good on several characters if they have a healer or with Furinas teams life drain. I wonder if this weapon has been tested or if it's just presumed it is not good for anything but Wriothesley

    3 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    yes; neuv doesn't really need atck speed tbh. Try to farm prototype amber and if you ran out of billets, try BP pass or save extra points for the items. You can also try every trounce domain with lower level

    2 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    no prototype is better than this for him

    1 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    I missed out on Neuvilletes weapon will this one be good on neuvillete? Or would his recommended 4 stars be better

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