Genshin Impact

Klee Card Decks, Skills, and How to Get

Genshin Impact - Klee Card Guide

A guide to the Klee Card in Genius Invokation TCG for Genshin Impact. Find out how to get the Klee card, its skill effects, and dice cost here!

Klee Card Stats and Basic Information

Card Information

Klee Card
Genshin - Klee Card
Card Type Character Card
Genshin - Pyro Dice Icon Pyro
Weapon Catalyst
Affiliation Mondstadt
Max HP 10
How to Get Invite character to a duel
Version Release 3.4

How to Get Klee's Card

Invite Character to a Card Duel

Genshin - Cat

Use the invitation board in The Cat's Tail tavern to send a duel invite to Klee. Upon completing challenge objectives in a Friendly Fracas match, you can get the Klee Card!

Send a Match Invitation Letter

If this is your first time dueling a character, you must use a Match Invitation Letter. This letter can be obtained by levelling up your TCG level, completing quests, or purchasing from the Card Shop.

Genius Invokation Duel Guide

Klee Card Skills and Effects

Normal Attack: Kaboom!

Primary Dice
Genshin - Pyro Dice Icon 1 Pyro
Secondary Dice
Genshin - Unaligned Element Icon 2 Unaligned
Effect Deals 1 Pyro DMG.

Elemental Skill: Jumpty Dumpty

Primary Dice
Genshin - Pyro Dice Icon 3 Pyro
Effect Deals 3 Pyro DMG. This character gains Explosive Spark.
Special Effect Explosive Spark
When the character to which this is attached to uses a Charged Attack: Spend 1 less Pyro die and deal +1 DMG.
Usage(s): 1

Elemental Burst: Sparks 'n' Splash

Primary Dice
Genshin - Pyro Dice Icon 3 Pyro
Energy Cost
Genshin - Energy Cost 3 Energy
Effect Deals 3 Pyro DMG, creates 1 Sparks 'n' Splash at the opponent's play area.
Special Effect Sparks 'n' Splash
Combat Status
After a character to which Sparks 'n' Splash is attached uses a Skill: Deals 2 Pyro DMG to their team's active character.
Usage(s): 2

Updated in Version 3.6.

How to Buy Klee Card's Dynamic Skin

Buy with Lucky Coins in the Card Shop

Genshin - Dynamic Skin Shop

You can buy Klee card's Dynamic Skin for 4000 Lucky Coins from the Card Shop at Player Level 5. Open the Dynamic Skin tab in the Cat's Tail tavern shop menu and search for the skin under the same category!

Klee's Event Card

Card Effect
Genshin - Pounding Surprise CardPounding Surprise Combat Action: When your active character is Klee, equip this card.
After Klee equips this card, immediately use Jumpty Dumpty once.
When Klee, who has this card equipped, creates an Explosive Spark, its Usage +1.
(You must have Klee in your deck to add this card to your deck.)

Get Talent Cards from Character Invitation or Tavern Challenge

To get this character's Talent Card, you will need to invite the character from the Invitation Board inside the Cat's Tail Tavern or the Tavern Challenge where their duel is. You can also get another duplicate by winning a duel with less than 2 characters defeated.

Decks that Use Klee's Card

List of Decks that Use this Card
Genshin - Klee and Mona Vaporize Deck DeckKlee and Mona Vaporize Deck

Klee Card Version History

3.6 Adjustments

Sparks 'n' Splash Description

Original Changes
After your character uses a Skill: Deal 2 Pyro DMG to your active character. Usages: 2. After a character to which Sparks 'n' Splash is attached uses a Skill: Deals 2 Pyro DMG to their team's active character. Usages: 2.

Version 3.6 Banners and Patch Notes

Genius Invokation TCG Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation Cards
Genius Invokation TCG Card List

List of Character Cards in TCG

List of Character Cards
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Genshin - Fatui Electro Cicin Mage CardFatui Electro Cicin Mage Genshin - Fatui Pyro Agent CardFatui Pyro Agent Genshin - Fischl CardFischl
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Genshin - Guardian of ApepGuardian of Apep's Oasis Genshin - Hu Tao CardHu Tao Genshin - Hydro Hilichurl Rogue CardHydro Hilichurl Rogue
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Genshin - Nilou CardNilou Genshin - Ningguang CardNingguang Genshin - Noelle CardNoelle
Genshin - Qiqi CardQiqi Genshin - Raiden Shogun CardRaiden Shogun Genshin - Razor CardRazor
Genshin - Rhodeia of Loch CardRhodeia of Loch Genshin - Sayu CardSayu Genshin - Shenhe CardShenhe
Genshin - Signora CardSignora Genshin - Stonehide Lawachurl CardStonehide Lawachurl Genshin - Sucrose CardSucrose
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Genshin - Wriothesley CardWriothesley Genshin - Xiangling CardXiangling Genshin - Xianyun CardXianyun
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Genshin - Yae Miko CardYae Miko Genshin - Yanfei CardYanfei Genshin - Yaoyao CardYaoyao
Genshin - Yelan CardYelan Genshin - Yoimiya CardYoimiya Genshin - Yun Jin CardYun Jin
Genshin - Zhongli CardZhongli

List of All TCG Cards

Genius Invokation Card Archive
Genshin Impact List of Character CardsCharacter Cards Genshin Impact List of Action CardsAction Cards
Genshin Impact List of Equipment CardsEquipment Cards Genshin Impact List of Support CardsSupport Cards
Genshin Impact List of Event CardsEvent Cards Genshin Impact Enemy Cards listEnemy Cards
Genshin Impact - Dynamic Skins List in TCGDynamic Skins Genshin Impact - Card Backs List and How to GetCard Backs

Genius Invokation TCG Information

Genshin Impact - Genius Invokation Guides Slim
Genius Invokation TCG Guide

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