Genshin Impact

How to Get Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing is a Furniture Item for Genshin Impact's Housing and Furnishing System. Learn how to get Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing, how to set up and play Time Trial minigame in your Teapot, Realm Currency cost, Trust points, Adeptal Energy, and all other information in this guide!

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing Adeptal Energy & Trust

Genshin Impact - Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Adeptal Energy 90
Trust Points 0
Craftable? No

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter is not Craftable

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishings cannot be crafted and therefore do not give any Trust Points. Non-craftable Furnishings can either be bought directly from shops or obtained as a reward instead.

Adeptal Energy & Trust Rank Points

Gaining Adeptal Energy helps you earn more Realm Currency, while Trust raises your Trust Rank. Trust Ranks unlocks various shop options, Furnishing Blueprints, and Housing features!

Genshin Impact - Adeptal Energy GuideAdeptal Energy Guide Genshin Impact - How to Increase Trust RankTrust Rank Guide

How to Get Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing Locations

Shop Location Buy from Realm Depot

Buy from the Realm Depot

Genshin - How to Get Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter
Furnishing Cost
Realm Currency Realm Currency x300

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter can be bought from the Realm Depot for 300 Realm Currency. Talk to Tubby and select ''Realm Depot'' to look for the Furnishing item in his shop!
List of Housing System Shops

How to Set Up and Play Time Trial Games

Play Time Trial Games in Your Teapot With Friends

Genshin - Leisure Device - Rhythmic Device - Time Trial Game
The Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter lets you play Time Trial minigames similar to Time Trial Challenges in the overworld inside your own Teapot! You can set up and build mazes and fun race tracks to challenge friends and other players alike!

Invite Friends to Play with You in Co-Op

Want someone to play and have fun with your Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter time trial game? Check out the Co-Op boards to invite friends and other players willing to play with you!

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

How to Set Up Rhythmic Sprinter Time Trial

Genshin - Leisure Device - Rhythmic Device - Furnishing Set
To set up your own Time Trial game in your Teapot, place the Leisure Device: Rhythmic Device from the Outdoor Furnishing: Furnishing Set tab. This will spawn two furnishings: the Activation Panel and the Destination Ring.

Place Activation Panel

Genshin - Leisure Device - Rhythmic Device - Place Activation Pane
Place the Activation Panel as the starting point of your Time Trial game. This panel can be interacted to start the game or check previous records.

Place Destination Ring

Genshin - Leisure Device - Rhythmic Device - Place Destination Ring
Place the Destination Ring as the goal of your Time Trial Game. This will serve as the end point of your race, and the timer will stop and record your time once players have reached this circle.

How to Play Rhythmic Sprinter Time Trial

Press Start Game to Start the Race

Genshin - Leisure Device - Rhythmic Device - Time Trial
To start your Time Trial, press on Start Game from the Activation Panel to start the timer. The Destination Ring will have a beacon to show its location, and you will have to race to this location!

Upon reaching the Destination Ring, the timer will stop, and a Game Records screen will show your record and final ranking!

How to View Rhythmic Sprinter Time Trial Records

Check the Records from the Activation Panel

Genshin - Leisure Device - Rhythmic Device - Records Screen
To check your records and rankings, click on Check Records to see the times and rankings of the players who have played your Time Trial.

Note that Clear Record and removing the Furnishing Set will delete all the records in this record panel!

How to Use Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing

Used to Decorate Housing Realms

Genshin - How to Use Furniture
Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter can be used to decorate in the Serenitea Pot Housing System feature! To place Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter in your Housing Realm, open the Furnishing Placement screen and click on the item. You're free to move it around and rotate it as you please.

Housing System & Serenitea Pot Guide

Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Furnishing Basic Information

Genshin - Leisure Device: Rhythmic Sprinter Info Type Furnishing Set
Category Outdoor Furnishing
Placement Outdoors
Rarity 4

This combination of furnishings was created by Tubby herself, and it is made from the Activation Panel and the Destination Ring. Interact with the Activation Panel to begin the time trial challenge. Step into the Destination Ring to stop the timer. You can view your game records on the Activation Panel. Combine these mechanisms with the Realm Within's various furnishings to form all sorts of time attack tracks.

Tubby mentioned that since you often climb hills and scale mountains or pursue swift game, she believes that this combination of furnishings will be quite helpful in training your agility. You can create racetracks to compete against friends who sometimes visit. Who knows, it might be pretty fun!

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