Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Kuki Shinobu Rating and Best BuildsComment

Showing 1-20 of 77 entries


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    77 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    How is she S tier while Baizhu is SS? Makes no sense.

    76 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    it's funny, she's one of the only 4 stars i'm missing along with yaoyao, faruzan, charlotte and chevy

    75 TokyoQuaSaR9 monthsReport

    You kinda gave the answer. She is S because in aggravate teams she does pretty decent off field dmg while being a healer, and in hyperbloom teams she is one of the few electro sub dps able to consistently hit many dendro cores with her E.

    74 TokyoQuaSaR9 monthsReport

    Primordial Jade Cutter should definitely be added to the best weapons, it's one of the best as support for non dendro teams bc of HP, and her BiS for aggravate teams, in which she does really well.

    73 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    She becomes a solid full-party healer when paired with Furina, if you max out her HP, she can do 4k healing per tick, and Furina can spread that to the full team.

    72 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Don't give Fischl or Yae Full EM, they can't consistently hit Bloom core unlike Kuki or Raiden

    71 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Don’t know why Kuki is ranked as S. The majority of her damage comes from off-field 1000 EM Aggravate/hyperbloom which Raiden/Fischi/Yae Miko can also do with the same artifact. The only thing really unique is her healing witch is like 2000-3000 every 1.5 sec with 1000EM.

    70 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    4pcs Marechause Hunter+Aggravate reaction works pretty well on DPS Kuki stacking crit rate during her hp depletion and healing. She needs at least any dendro unit to trigger Aggravate. This test nicely killing Coppelius boss almost damaging itself like 75% hp at a short time.

    69 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    ignore my previous message, I think I watched the wrong build video, maybe I just need to level her a bit more

    68 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Hyperbloom build should mention that you still need to look for crit rate/dmg in substats for additional damage, EM/HP focus alone only seem to get her to 13k

    67 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Hyperbloom has pretty much made her SS, put flower of paradise lost on her and easy 30k + hyper blooms

    66 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    I think the "The Dockhand's Assistant" sword might be a good fit for Kuki. If you're using her to deal Electro Damage and constantly heal, even if she's not on the field, TDA's Sea Shanty ability will build symbols just having Sanctifying Ring active, and refreshing it then boosts her Elemental Mastery, and the sword's base stat raises her HP letting her heal more. I think they synergize very well.

    65 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    SS character for healing and hyperbloom teams for sure ^^

    64 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Someone should update her build. Flower of Paradise set isn't here yet.

    63 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    which set would be best on her in a Hyperbloom Team with Alhaitham (gilded), Nahida (deepwood), Yelan (severed fate)? Farming paradise lost worth it? (Have her on gilded dreams as well by now for easy switching Alhaitham to Ayato) Or maybe tenacity?

    62 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    100% worth it

    61 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    "I think she is SS character" That'a very different back then, when she released first

    60 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Is she worth raising at C1? If not what constellation should I wait for

    49 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    Unless you have Wanderer like me, since you farm the same domain. Also you get Paradise lost drops here and there recently.

    48 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Yes, but you are honestly WAY better off farming for Gilded Dreams instead since every dendro character either uses or needs someone to use Deepwood memories. IIRC the damage difference between Paradist lost vs Gilded is 5%. Not worth it to minmax (EM triple mainstats, ER and CRIT subs)

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