Genshin Impact

Update 2.0 Teleportation Furnishing Developers Discussion | June 30, 2021

Genshin Impact - Teleportation Furnishing - Developers Discussion

Here you can find a summary of the Developers Discussion regarding the Teleportaion Waypoint Furnishing coming in the next Version Update for Genshin Impact. Learn more about the upcoming improvements and features for the game here.

Version 2.0 Update Summary

Update Version 2.0 Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 2.0
Genshin - 2.0 Announcement Livestream
Release Date July 21, 2021

Following the six-week period between Genshin Impact updates, Version 2.0 is likely to be released on July 21, 2021.

Version 2.0 Release Date & Summary

2.0 Teleportation Furninshin Developers Discussion Notes

Genshin Impact - Developers Discussion - Teleportation Furnishing

Prior to the Special Program, miHoYo has released a Developers Discussion regarding some new features and quality of life improvements that will be coming to Genshin Impact.

Developers Discussion Overview

Click to Jump to a Section!
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Sub-Space Waypoint
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Paimon Move-In
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Daily Commissions Preference
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Serenitea Pot Gardening
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Higher Load Limit
Genshin - Primogem bullet point More Emojis
Genshin - Primogem bullet point Elemental Mastery Bonus Explanation

Sub-Space Waypoint

Developers have confirmed that a Sub-Space Waypoint is coming in the next version. This'll allow Travelers to move easily between the isles of their realms.

Sub-Space Waypoint

Paimon Move-In

Paimon is currently nowhere to be found in everyone's realms. Developers have noted this and said that our favorite Emergency Food will be available in a future version.

How to Move In Characters

Daily Commissions Preference

Starting on the next version, Travelers will have the chance to choose which region they prefer their Daily Commissions to appear.

List of Daily Commissions

Serenitea Pot Gardening

The developers are currently working on a type of framing system. We'll have to stay tuned on the livestream soon for more info.

Gardening System Guide

Higher Load Limit

Load limit has already been increased during the 1.6 update, but the developers are still planning to continue on increasing this in future versions.

More Emojis

This is currently on the developer's to-do list. We should be able to expect new emojis in future versions.

Elemental Mastery Bonus Explanation

The developers have taken into consideration some limitations in order to avoid infinite stacking of in-game bonuses. Check out the ''Sucrose Does Not Buff Kazuha'' section on the link below for more info!

Kazuha Rating and Best Builds

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Genshin Impact - Version 2.0 Slim Banner

Update 2.0 Release Date and News

Genshin Impact 2.0 Update News

2.0 Update News
Ayaka Yoimiya
Sayu 2.0 Livestream and Special Program
2.0 Teleportation Furnishing Developers Discussion PlayStation Cross-Save Function

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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy why Sucrose can't buff Kazuha? it would be so much fun.

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