Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Hu Tao Rating and Best Builds(Page 3)Comment

Showing 4-23 of 331 entries


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    291 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    The ayaka demote made sense because freeze comp is basically dead, but hutao is still strong in the current date. This derank only makes sense if you compare the value you get out of Arlech compared to Hutao, but that's not what the tierlist is for. The tierlist is meant to show the relative strength of characters and hutao is still a strong pick. Theres a seperate section for priority pulls ( Arlech is objectively the more f2p friendly). Overall, an uneeded change.

    290 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    her era is over. Deal with it

    289 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    dude chill, ur gonna give urself a heart attack with that much mid lol. Saying hu tao is better than arle just cuz of Bennett circle impact makes literally no sense. So hubtao is better agains magu kenki but lesser than her in every other situation lol

    288 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Omg look someone dying bc someone called hu tao mid :0

    287 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    and nope, but not everything is about DMG. I'd rather die than play MidTao with her outdated playstyle. Boring, old, expensive, not everyone are willing to lose a more interesting and actually useful character for her C1 and bis like some simps *cough* this guy getting frustrated over a fictional character *cough*

    286 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Love how you're at loss of words that you keep using the word mid. Go on, it's not like you calling them mid would bring MidTao back to the tier list she clearly doesn't deserve xD also love how you're mad about this all. Keep getting frustrated over a stupid game character<3

    285 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Yeah. It seems like if they wanted to make these changes. It should of been done sometime ago, rather than just out of the blue. Given hu tao has not really change much in terms of strength, between now and say in 4.8. Now it seems like they are just breaking their own rules and making up new ones.

    284 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Dude. You put to much fate in tier lists. If the reason they move her down. Was simply due to needing costly teams. That does not mean she bad or worst. Or even not better than a ss tier character in the right team.

    283 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Can we stop with the simping and go back to the underlying issue? DPS means damage-per-second, not comfort of time&money to build or play. I care about the reason, which to this site are 1.relevance, 2.investment-requirement, 3.self-sufficient and 4.less expensive (which is just 2.). On their OWN sites Tier List Criteria for DPS Rating, they claim "High Damage From All Sources" (NA, CA, e.skill, burst, constellations, CC). Those are no reasons. Those are excuses. hypocrisy here

    282 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    There goes the best DPS Pyro in the game. Years of being the best, they finally take the throne from her <3

    281 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    well speaking of hu tao. Rather sure her banner would have more overall value. Given that means staff of homa rerun. Which is universal good on alot of polearm characters.

    280 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    while Arlecchino can make use of bennett better than Hu Tao. That also leads to circle impact. Something alot of folks hate, due to limiting your mobility. Throw in Maguu Kenki, which has a habit of moving around. You can easily end up losing the benefits of bennett and spending more downtime recovering his burst, than you otherwise would of. Who is better heavily depends on team and context. Arlec is not outright better than hu tao. same for the other way around.

    279 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Lyney is a bow user. Missing a shot can lead to lost of dps. Which is much harder to do with a melee character. He also before recently, had no dendro that work well with burning. Heck his teams are very limited. If two of them were not easy to get, it would be rather hard to build a team for him. Lyney also needs time to charge up his attacks. I know you hate hu tao but can you at lease use fact and logic, not copium to deny reality.

    278 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Gaming? You mean lesser Diluc. For in plunge teams. Diluc comes out on top before c6 Gaming. At c6 Gaming only has a slight edge. At higher cons Diluc takes back the edge. if Diluc is worst than Hu Tao. Why should Hu tao be place lower? When he doesn't comes close to her level of power and is on the level of Diluc.

    277 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Ah yes I am going to make my case by saying mid again and again. Let me try it. mid Arlecchino mid Arlecchino mid Arlecchino mid Arlecchino! See how easy that is? Which you also know, one of her best supports is bennett which has the issue of circle impact. Sure there is overload teams but to make good use of that. You need a four star that has has only ever been on a single banner. Which she is more likely to get knock away. due to zero interruption resistance.

    276 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Your telling me. People are pulling a dps for something beside dps? Dude. If your pulling for a dps you care about the raw power. One of hu tao best supports is still a four star hydro. That everyone can easily get their hands on. Outside of that, you have lots of room to flex with her teams. Also Hu Tao is not that hard to play. Even at c0. Just learn to press the space bar. unless your on mobile than rip.

    275 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Just cause you say something is mid is not the case. You know Lyney is like shark girl, Ayaka. Where they release alot of damage in one go. That a burst dps. Just cause you get big damages, doesn't mean they are better. You failed to taken into account set up time or down time. Which also. if Hu tao teams were so costly in the first place. Why didn't they move her down sooner? For they only gave that reasoning recently.

    274 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    What that, mid Arlecchino players can't accept, that their favorite character is not always the best dps around? Easy to build. You know that rather bs with how rng relics are. Lyney does alot of damage up front, after that burst is over. His damage goes down. It clear you mid Arlecchino players don't understand what dps is. It means damage per second, not damage per screenshot. Of course mid Arlecchino players are not known for intelligence.

    273 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    you know it's not all about DPS, right? Even tho, Arlecchino c0R0 >>>>>>>>>>> MidTao C0R0, Arlecchino C1R1 >>>>> MidTao C1R1. The tier list is also about how easy it is to build them, how comfortable they are, etc. Hu Tao is expensive, not just talents but needs cons and bis. Plus her gameplay isn't exactly what I'd call "comfortable". Comparing to Arle, Lyney and Gaming, honestly she should be lower

    272 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    *Me and the boys when we've been demoted to S-tier*

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