Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Xinyan Rating and Best BuildsComment

Showing 1-20 of 54 entries


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    54 Anonymous4 monthsReport

    Sometimes I run around overworld with Collei, Barbara, Kazuha, Xin Yan as a burgeon team. It's pretty good. It's best if you put Gilded Dreams on Xin Yan. I don't think it's good enough for Spiral Abyss, but maybe if you have C2 Nahida and Xing Qiu, instead of Colei and Barb. Defense is still the priority but if you put EM on Xin Yan you can also run her with Bennet, Kazuha, Xin Yan, Shinobu for an overload team. Can you tell that I suck at using Xin Yan's skill without a Kazuha assist?

    53 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Anyone try Xinyan for burning?

    52 Anonymousover 1 yearReport

    Adding Gorou along with Xinyan for extra Def% buffs like a Def-Bennet. Her spin-attacks and shields are much more improved def-buff comps.

    51 Anonymousalmost 2 yearsReport

    I love her she’s my main

    37 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    most characters get 4pc NO and Favonius in their trials, doesnt mean its their best build

    36 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    New Update. 4pcs Noblesse Xinyan is common and reliable build because: her character Trials she wears 4pcs Noblesse and Favonius GS. Her Burst CD is on sync with Noblesse buffs CD so her Attacks stays increasing everytime you spam Xinyan Burst. Def% Build is her biggest factor in a Noblese Build you can increase 20% attack combining her 50 Def% to Attack% conversion if you have C6 Xinyan. Especially spamming charge attacks all the way.

    35 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    2pcs Husk/ 2pcs Physical artifacts (pale or bloodstain) All Def% claymore, Sands,Goblet and Headpiece. A solid Def/Phys Xinyan build updated today.

    34 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    One important thing about xinyan stats: %24 attack ascension is just mild accessory boost. Full Def Build is the best build when c6 with a Bonus 50% charge attacks that scales DEF. Better higher shields too!

    33 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    err 3.2k DEF (not attack, sorry my error on message 32 )

    32 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    I think Xinyan can do scale on full DEF like about 3.2k attack even higher than Itto, so I did put 2 Husk and 2 Bolide, and also with a DEF claymore. This will fully utilized insane solid DEF shields, a 35% Shield strength from Bolides, and a C6 charge attacks with 50% DEF. Common sense.

    31 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Chivalry set does work when opponents are killed and a 50% attack buff will trigger along with no charge attack depletion. Works well with c6 Xinyan charge attack based on 50% Defense. In other builds: I tried her Burst skill with Redhorn and a Bennet burst it reached physical 90k dmg.

    30 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    This guide could use some update. Like, I ignored what they said here, gave her Unforged and 4 pieces of Bloodstained Chivalry. Result? I easily can go over 3k ATK and deal massive physical dmg with charged attack. However, its good to have 2nd shield in team, like Noelle or Layla. People think that she should be build with DEF just because she has shield. They need to think outside the box.

    29 Anonymousabout 2 yearsReport

    Words cannot describe how much I despise this character and to make matters even worse, I got her at C6 today. I hate it here.

    28 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    The cooldown for sweeping fervor should be 18 seconds, not 10 seconds!

    27 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    there is an error on this page where it lists pale flame's bonus as 15% instead of 25!

    26 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Actually one of the best weapon for her if you want to build her as a main DPS. Incresease ATK and Elemental Burst DMG + Additional DMG

    25 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    She looks freaking awesome with the Bell Her character looks awesome... I wish she was stronger/more usable as a playable character....

    24 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    4pc Retracing Bolide(Def build) ensuring Xinyan 30% stronger Shield capabilities plus 40% Normal and Charge attacks. Redhorn Claymore is perfect for Full Def stat-stick attacks. As for the Bell: it activates well only to 4pcs Bolide and nothing else, a third shield is better than none. Very fun build.

    23 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    nobody mentoning The Bell as her recommended weapon?? Why is that there lol

    22 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    All Def Artifacts stat stick is the best build only for her Charge-attacks and Solid-shield build. Needs a decrease physical team comp for maximum Spinyan potential. Best quick charge attack kills very fast in GROUPS.

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