Genshin Impact

Snowy Silhouette Day 4 Guide

Genshin Impact - Snowy Silhouette Day 4 Guide
Snowy Silhouette is Day 4 of the Shared Sight event, located near the Snow-Covered Path of Dragonspine in Genshin Impact 3.8. See where to find the locations of the animals for Day 4 and the rewards here!

Shared Sight Stage Guides
Genshin - Shared Sight Day 1Day 1 Genshin - Shared Sight Day 2Day 2 Genshin - Shared Sight Day 3Day 3
Genshin - Shared Sight Day 4Day 4 Genshin - Shared Sight Day 5,Day 5 Genshin - Shared Sight Day 6Day 6

How to Find the Animals in Snowy Silhouette

Go to Dragonspine's Snow-Covered Path

Head to the event signboard north of the Snow-Covered Path in Dragonspine, which you can get to by heading south from the Adventurer's Camp Teleport Waypoint. In this challenge, you must find two Snow Foxes and one Snowboar.

Note that you cannot find them all at once, as the Inscribed Mirror will only project the sight of one animal at a time. The order of animals you need to find are random, so check the visual cues for each animals in the following guide first!

Renart the Snow Fox Location

Location Details
When viewed from the Inscribed Mirror, this tricky Snow Fox will be looking over at the Frostbearing Tree. This means she's somewhere high up to be able to spot it from the area!
From the starting point, head south and climb up the cliff face until you can spot the Frostbearing Tree in the distance, and the Snow Fox should be close by!

Cristo the Snow Fox Location

Location Details
The second Snow Fox is in a small island in the lake, marked by a barren tree and a sword sticking out of the ground.
Head south towards the water and you can find the island floating amongst some blocks of ice! The Snow Fox will be right in front of the sword.

Gustav the Snowboar Location

Location Details
The Snowboar is in view of a low waterfall, which can be found north of the lake area, with a Heating Node in the background.
Head north and follow the water until you find the Heating Node, and you'll be on top of the waterfall just beyond that where the Snowboar is standing by.

Snowy Silhouette Rewards

Snowy Silhouette Rewards
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x40,000

Snowy Silhouette Information

Part of Shared Sight Event

Genshin - Shared Sight Event Guide
Snowy Silhouette is the fourth challenge in seeking out all the designated animals in Dragonspine. In Shared Sight, you'll have to use the Inscribed Mirror to locate each animal by figuring out their point of view!

Shared Sight Event Guide

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Shared Sight Mirror Gadget

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How to Get and Use the Inscribed Mirror

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