Genshin Impact

Day 2 Descent: High-Pressure Lightning Strike Guide

Genshin Impact - Reminiscent Regimen Day 2 Guide
Descent: High-Pressure Lightning Strike is Day 2 of Genshin Impact's 2.8 Reminiscent Regimen Event. Check out how to get 500 Points in the challenge, the best characters to use, and all the rewards here!

Reminiscent Regimen Event Guide
Genshin - DescentDay 1 Genshin - DescentDay 2 Genshin - RaidDay 3
Genshin - RaidDay 4 Genshin - ConvoyDay 5 Genshin - ConvoyDay 6

Descent High-Pressure Lightning Strike Guide

High-Pressure Lightning Stike Location

Descent Day 2 Challenge Area
Location Minacious Isle, Golden Apple Archipelago

How to Get 500 Points in Descent Day 2

Position Yourself In Front

There will be one coin route at the start that will branch out in two. You need to be in front to grab the starting coins and have the freedom to choose which direction you want to be in!

Use the Platforms with the Jumping Boost

This challenge emphasizes on plunging down on the enemies. There will be a set of platforms with the Compulsion trait which will defeat enemies as soon as you plunge down. Jump on the platform with the jumping boost and repeatedly plunge down!

Bring that Works Against Shields

Some enemies will have shields from Ice, Rock, and Wooden. Plunging down is an option that can work against these, but sometimes, you'll need to fight them. Bring a Pyro character for the Ice and Wooden Shields and plunge down on the rock-shielded enemies!

Descent Day 2 Scoring Targets

Scoring Targets Points
The second to complete the challenge. 60
1 Aegis of Descent obtained. 60
Defeated 1 opponent by throwing them off the platform. 60
Defeated 3 opponents by throwing them off the platform. 60
The team obtained 30 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
The team obtained 40 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
The team obtained 50 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
The team obtained 60 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
Complete the challenge within 240s. 60
Challenge Completed 200
Total Amount: 740 Points

Take Note of These Scoring Targets

You need to take note of the scoring targets and perform them during the challenges to get higher points!

Best Characters to Get 500 Points

Character How they Can Help in Day 2
Genshin - Yoimiya Icon Yoimiya • Elemental Skill can attack enemies from a long distance.
• Can break Ice and Wooden Shields.
Genshin - Sucrose Icon Sucrose • Normal Attacks can push enemies off platforms.
• Elemental Skill and Burst can gather enemies.
Genshin - Heizou Icon Heizou • Charged Attack and Elemental Skill can push enemies from the platforms.
Genshin - Zhongli Icon Zhongli • Elemental Skill can break Rock Shields on enemies.
Genshin - Hu Tao Icon Hu Tao • Can defeat enemies with Ice or Wooden Shields.

Descent: High-Pressure Lightning Strike Rewards

2.8 Reminiscent Regimen Day 2 Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Rating reaches 200
Rating reaches 350
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000
Rating reaches 500
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000

Descent: High-Pressure Lightning Strike Information

Part of the 2.8 Reminiscent Regimen

Genshin - Reminiscent Regimen
Descent: High-Pressure Lightning Strike is the second challenge level for the Descent themes within the Reminiscent Regimen Event. You can play through this after completing the first challenge, Descent: Dual Pressures!

Reminiscent Regimen Event Guide

How to Play Descent Challenges

Genshin - How to Play Descent
During the challenge, you start from above. Then, work your way through obstacles and enemies as you descend to the sea.

  1. Pick up the Aegis of Descent to change the unique traits of a large platform below.
  2. Plunge down on enemies if you see a Compulsion activated by the Aegis of Descent. This will immediately defeat the enemies on the platform.

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Reminiscent Regimen Event Guide

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