Genshin Impact

Blazing Thunder Day 3 Guide for Hidden Strife

Genshin Impact - Hidden Strife Day 3 Guide
Blazing Thunder is Day 3 of the Hidden Strife Event in Genshin Impact. See the best characters to use, how to beat Blazing Thunder, the Ley Line Residue along with the full stage information, and the rewards here!

Hidden Strife Event Guides
Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 1 Day 1 Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 2Day 2 Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 3Day 3 Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 4Day 4
Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 5Day 5 Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 6Day 6 Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 7Day 7 Genshin - Dire StraitsDire Straits

Blazing Thunder Best Characters

Blazing Thunder Best Party

Blazing Thunder Best Party
Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Yae Miko Yae Miko Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Sara Sara

You need to inflict Electro-related reactions on the enemies. With this team, Raiden uses her Skill first, then Yae Miko's Skill three times. Next, you pop in Kazuha's Skill and Burst. Unleash Yae Miko's Burst, then use her Skill again.

Use Sara's Burst then Skill, then execute an Aimed Shot. To finish everything off, use Raiden's Elemental Burst to finish off all enemies!

Other Characters to Use

Main DPS
Genshin - Keqing ImageGenshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Heizou ImageGenshin - Ayato Image
Genshin - Venti ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Sucrose ImageGenshin - Beidou ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Yelan Image
Genshin - Barbara ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Kokomi ImageGenshin - Shinobu Image

The challenge prioritizes Electro-related reactions, optimal reactions for this challenge would be Electro-Charged and Overloaded. The enemies will provide ample opportunities to trigger those specific reactions!

How to Beat Blazing Thunder

Counter Whopperflowers

Genshin - Counter Whopperflowers
The Elite Enemies or the Powerful Opponents during this challenge are Whopperflowers. Whopperflowers have an attack where they will charge up and then unleash powerful homing shots at your characters. It's best to counter that with Electro before they even have the chance to charge up!

Use Anemo to Spread Reactions

Genshin - Use Anemo to Spread Reactions
Use Kazuha, Venti, or Sucrose to spread the Electro-related reactions and to pull the enemies into a single area! This would make it easier to trigger the needed element and to beat all enemies in one go.

Blazing Thunder Stage Information

Ley Line Residue Information

Blazing Thunder Ley Line Residue
When a character triggers an Electro-related reaction, the DEF of opponents affected by that reaction is decreased by 50% for 4s.

When characters trigger 20 Electro-related reactions, you will gain Afterimaged Might:

Whenever a character triggers an Electro-related reaction, the opponents affected by that reaction will have their DEF decreased by 70% for 4s, and they will drop Elemental Particle(s) that will restore 6 Energy for the character. This effect can occur once every 4s. 1 Electro-related reaction will be counted as part of this effect every 1s.

You will encounter powerful opponents after obtaining Afterimaged Might.
Vicious Battle On Perilous difficulty in Vicious Battle mode, you can obtain this form of Afterimaged Might 20s after the challenge starts.

Difficulty Conditions

Difficulty Challenge Target
Perilous • Complete the challenge within 180s
• Defeat 3 powerful opponents
Quandary • Complete the challenge within 180s
• Trigger Electro-related reactions 20 times
• Defeat 3 powerful opponents
Desperate • Complete the challenge within 180s
• Trigger Electro-related reactions 20 times
• Defeat 3 powerful opponents
Dire Straits • Complete the challenge within 150s
• Trigger Electro-related reactions 20 times
• Defeat 12 powerful opponents

List of Enemies

Vicious Battle Enemies
Genshin - Cryo Whopperflower Cryo Whopperflower
(Powerful Opponent)
Genshin - Pyro Whopperflower Pyro Whopperflower
(Powerful Opponent)
Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl Blazing Axe Mitachurl
(Powerful Opponent)
Genshin - Large Hydro Slime Large Hydro Slime
Genshin - Large Pyro Slime Large Pyro Slime Genshin - Hydro Slime Hydro Slime
Genshin - Pyro Slime Pyro Slime Genshin - Hydro Samachurl Hydro Samachurl
Genshin - Anemo Samachurl Anemo Samachurl
Dire Straits Enemies
Genshin - Cryo Whopperflower Cryo Whopperflower
(Powerful Opponent)
Genshin - Pyro Whopperflower Pyro Whopperflower
(Powerful Opponent)
Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl Blazing Axe Mitachurl
(Powerful Opponent)
Genshin - Large Hydro Slime Large Hydro Slime
Genshin - Large Pyro Slime Large Pyro Slime Genshin - Hydro Slime Hydro Slime
Genshin - Pyro Slime Pyro Slime Genshin - Hydro Samachurl Hydro Samachurl
Genshin - Anemo Samachurl Anemo Samachurl

Blazing Thunder Rewards

Hidden Strife Day 3 Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Complete Perilous difficulty.
Genshin - Primogem Image x60
Genshin - Hero x2
Complete Quandary difficulty.
Genshin - Hero x2
Genshin - Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator Image x3
Complete Desperate difficulty.
Genshin - Mora Image x20000
Genshin - Adventurer x4
Complete Dire Straits difficulty.
Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image x4

Claim from the Menu or the Battle Preview

After beating the challenges, you can claim the rewards from the Event's Menu or the Battle Preview once you interact with the red mist. Click on the Reward Preview to see all available rewards!

Hidden Strife Information

Part of the Diluc Event

Genshin - Hidden Strife Event

Blazing Thunder is the third battle stage in the Hidden Strife Event. You need to beat a mix of Whopperflowers, Slimes, and Hilichurls. You can do this challenge after defeating the second stage, Searing Skies!

Hidden Strife Event Guide

Genshin Impact Related Links

Genshin - Hidden Strife Event Slim Banner
Hidden Strife Event Guide

Hidden Strife Stage Guides

All Hidden Strife Event Stages
Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 1 Day 1 - Fearsome Judgment Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 2 Day 2 - Searing Skies
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Genshin - Hidden Strife Day 7Day 7 - The Other Molten Quadrant Genshin - Dire StraitsDire Straits Guides

Other Hidden Strife Guides

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Genshin Impact - Hidden Strife Letters and LocationsLetters and Locations Kaeya's Location

All Genshin Impact Events

Genshin Impact - List of Events
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