Genshin Impact

How to Make Custom Domains in Divine Ingenuity

Genshin Impact - How to Make Custom Domains in Divine Ingenuity

You can make Custom Domains during the Divine Ingenuity event in Genshin Impact. Learn how to unlock Custom Domains, how to make your own Divine Ingenuity Domain challenge, and how to publish your Custom Domain's ID here!

3.7 Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Guides
Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 1 Bastion Mechanicus Day 1 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 2 - Cloudstrider Day 2 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 3 - Nimbus Grasper Day 3 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 4 - Trove Sweeper Day 4 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 5 - Heartrender Day 5
Domain Creation Domain ID Board 2.5 Event Guide

How to Make Custom Domains in Divine Ingenuity Event

Where to Make Custom Domains

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Create from Design menu
You can create your Custom Domain through the Custom Domains tab and Design menu on the Divine Ingenuity event page. In this screen, players can create, edit, and publish their own creations. Note that you can only make a maximum of five domains!

Choose Between Blank Domain, Preset Domain, or Favorites

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Select from blank preset or import
When creating a new domain, you can choose to start with a Blank Domain, Preset Domains which are fully built domains that you can edit, or Import a Favorite Domain from someone else that you had saved.

Note that you can only import someone else's domain if they have Copy Allowance active for that domain.

Select Domain Parameters

Choose your Starting Area

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Select starting area type
If you choose to create from a Blank Domain, you must choose at one Area Type as your Starting Area.

Choose Between HP or Life Points

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Select HP or Life Points
Select between HP or Life Points for the participants of your domain! Choosing HP will let you place Enemy Mobs inside the domain, while choosing Life Points will only allow you to use Adventure Coins for the Completion Criteria.

Choose Co-Op Participant Capacity

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Select co-op option
You can choose whether or not the domain allows for more than one player in the Co-Op Participant section. These settings can still be changed while editing the domain.

Place Starting and Exit Points

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Basic Items
When creating your Custom Domain, the Starting Points, Exit Points and Adventure Coins are the most basic objects you need to place.

If you have the ''Obtain Adventure Coin(s)'' completion goal setting enabled, the set number of coins from your challenge goals must be obtainable by the player, so take note!

Create Terrains and Traps in your Domain

Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Construct your own domain
You can place and rotate different obstacles and traps to make your domain challenging, or coins and blessings to give your challengers a helping hand. The domain creation is similar to how you put furnishings in the Serenitea Pot.

Use Preset Sets

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Select Preset Sets
The game also provides Preset Sets similar to Furnishing Sets in the Housing System, where a complete set of objects can be placed in one go!

Available Artificer Objects

Types of Domain Items





List of Custom Domain Parts

Moving Horizontally or Vertically

Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - How to Move Horizontally or Vertically
To move objects in your Custom Domain horizontally or vertically, press the Move Vertically/Horizontally toggle while you have the object selected. You can also switch movements easily by pressing your Left Shift (for Keyboard) or the Touch Pad (for Controller)!

Placing Enemies in Sets or Groups

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Opponent Sets vs Groups
If your domain uses HP bar instead of Life Points, you can place various opponents in your domain!

You can choose between an Opponent Set, which is groups of enemies of the same type, or configure an Opponent Group, which can consist of various different types of opponents.

Designing Multiple Areas

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Area Overview
You can add or remove more areas in the Area Overview section of the Settings!

These areas have independent building limits of 1000, and so you can build as much as you can on a single area before creating the other!

Edit Basic Settings

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Basic Settings
By going to the Settings button at the upper left corner of the screen, you can change the Basic Settings of your domain. Here is where you can change the HP settings, the number of Life Points, Domain Time Limit, and other Limitations on the player.

Set Completion Criteria

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Completion Criteria
After you've put in the obstacles and blessings, you will need to set the goals in Domain Settings in order to complete the domain. Your domain has to have a set amount of Artificer Points as its goal.

You can choose the method of obtaining Artificer Points between Combat, Obstacle Course, Parkour or a Fusion of all three! You can also choose the Domain Limitation, between ending the domain after a certain amount of Artificer Points is reached, or

Methods to Obtain Artificer Points

Method Point Details
Defeating Opponents in Combat The amount of Artificer Points that can be earned for each Custom Domain is different depending on enemy type and difficulty.
Collecting Adventure Coins in Parkour Every Adventure Coin nets you 5 Artificer Points.
Completing Area Challenges in Obstacle Course Completing specific challenges within the Area will earn you 100 Artificer Points.
Opening Chests in Fusion Opening Common Chests will earn you 20 Artificer Points, Exquisite Chests for 40 points, and Artificer Chests for 500 Artificer Points.

Edit Settings

You can also toggle the Environment and Trigger Settings in the Edit Settings tab. You can choose to have the walls or several objects be invisible at certain points of the domain!

Test and Publish your Domain

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Save and Test
Before you can publish any domain, you will have to challenge and complete it first via the Save and Test Challenge button. You can test the area or the overall domain after saving.

You cannot publish a domain if you can't finish it yourself!

Check and Publish in the Domain Menu

Genshin - How to Make Custom Domains - Publish
Once you're satisfied with your domain, you can publish it in the official Interactive Platform and let other players try it out. You can also set tags to give them an idea on what kind of domain or challenge awaits them.

Share Domain IDs with Other Players!

Spread word of your own creation by posting your Domain IDs in our Divine Ingenuity Co-Op board! We might even feature your Custom Domain as one of the best Custom Domains in the event!

Divine Ingenuity Co-Op Board

Divine Ingenuity Custom Domain Rewards

All Tasks and Rewards in 3.7

Objective Rewards
Publish a domain or play a domain that someone else published once.
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Genshin Impact - Guide to Ballad Image x2
Genshin Impact - Boreal Wolf x3

Custom Domains Information

What are Custom Domains?

Genshin Impact - Custom Domains
Custom Domains are player-made domains that can be challenged similar to the Preset Domains. You can make your own Custom Domains or even try out ones made by other players.

Part of the Divine Ingenuity Event

Genshin Impact - Divine Ingenuity Collector
The Divine Ingenuity Event lets you create your own Custom Domain for you and others to try out!

Divine Ingenuity 3.7 Event Guide

Previous Divine Ingenuity Custom Domain Details

Version 2.5 Custom Domain Guide

Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Event
Divine Ingenuity first ran in Version 2.5, where players were able to create their own custom domains with certain limitations.

Starting Menu

Steps to Start Making Custom Domains
1 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Where to Make Custom Domains 1
Enter the Custom Domains tab below the Preset Domains on the event page.
2 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Where to Make Custom Domains 2
Go to the second tab to show the Design menu.
3 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Where to Make Custom Domains 3
On the lower-right of the screen, press ''Design New Domain.''
4 Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Where to Make Custom Domains 4
Choose the floor design, then start creating!

Starting Point Cannot be Moved

Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Starting Point

All floor designs have their Starting Point fixed in the first area. Although you can hover this object, it's not possible to select and edit it.

Rooms Must Be Linked With Each Other

Genshin - Divine Ingenuity - Must Be Linked

Rooms that are linked lineally with each other can't be cut off. This means that you can't enable or disable the following area without the preceding area, so take note!

2.5 Divine Ingenuity Custom Domain Tasks and Rewards

Objective Rewards
Play a Domain that another player published
Genshin Impact - Primogem Image x70
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Design a Domain
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Genshin Impact - Hero x2
Publish a Domain
Genshin Impact - Mora Image x20,000
Genshin Impact - Hero x2

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Event Guide

3.7 Divine Ingenuity Guide 2.5 Divine Ingenuity Guide

3.7 Divine Ingenuity Preset Domains

List of Preset Domains
Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 1 Bastion Mechanicus 1: Bastion Mechanicus Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 2 - Cloudstrider 2: Cloudstrider
Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 3 - Nimbus Grasper 3: Nimbus Grasper Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 4 - Trove Sweeper 4: Trove Sweeper
Genshin - Divine Ingenuity Day 5 - Heartrender 5: Heartrender

Divine Ingenuity Gameplay Guides

Helpful Event Guides
Genshin Impact - How to Make Custom DomainsHow to Make Domains Genshin Impact - Best Custom Domains in Divine IngenuityDomain IDs & Co-Op Board
Genshin Impact - List of Domain Parts - Divine Ingenuity Terrain, Mechanisms, Traps, and BlessingsList of Domain Parts

2.5 Divine Ingenuity Preset Domain Guides

List of Preset Domains
Day 1: Faster, Faster! Day 2: Flying Down the Corridor
Day 3: Look Out Below Day 4: The Exit's Up There
Day 5: Fastest Finger First

Other Genshin Impact Events

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